Tabu 垂直文本超限和多行

Tabu 垂直文本超限和多行

我正在尝试使用 tabu 环境,因为我听说它是​​表格制作中最新和最好的环境。我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,即使用多行时文本溢出到下面的单元格中。我在下面包含了一个 MWE(我没有清理 usepackages,以防出现一些问题 - 我可能有一些冲突或多余的东西。TABLE STUFF 注释下的一些内容来自其他实验。本质上,我只是试图找到最简单的表格解决方案。


\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {X X X X X}
    Quantity & Symbol & Defining Equation & SI Unit & Units Definition \\ \midrule
    mass  & m & \multirow{4}{\linewidth}{Basic physical units defined arbitrarily and maintained in standardization laboratories}  & kilogram (kg)  \\
    length  & l &  & meter (m) \\ 
    time  & t &  & second (s)  \\
    current  & I &  & ampere (A)  \\
    force  & F & F = mass * acceleration  & newton (N)  & 1 N = 1 kgms-2 \\
    energy  & E & E = Force * length  & joule (J)  & 1 J = 1 kgm2 s-2 \\
    power  & P & P = E / t  & watt (W)  & 1 W = 1 J/s \\
    frequency  & f, v & number per second  & hertz (Hz)  & 1 Hz = 1 s-1 \\
    charge  & Q & Q = I t  & coulomb (C)  & 1 C = 1 A s \\
    potential  & V & V = E / Q  & volt (V)  & 1 V = 1 J/C \\
    \multirow{2}{*}[-1.05ex]{absorbed dose}  & D & E absorbed from ionizing radiation per kg  & gray (Gy)  & 1 Gy = 1 J / kg \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Gy = 100 rads \\
    exposure  & X & Q liberated by ionizing radiation per kg of air  & C kg-1  & roentgen, R (old) \\
    &  &  &  & 1 R = 2.58x10-4 C/kg \\
    activity  & A & disintigrations of radioactive material per t  & becquerel (Bq)  & 1 Bq = 1 s-1 \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Ci (curie, old) = 3.7x1010 Bq \\











\usepackage{pdflscape} % For second example only
%% \usepackage{geometrx} % Used for the third screenshot
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l l L l L}
    Quantity & Symbol & Defining Equation & SI Unit & Units Definition \\ \midrule
    mass  & m & \multirow{4.5}{=}{Basic physical units defined arbitrarily and maintained in standardization laboratories}  & kilogram (kg)  \\
    length  & l &  & meter (m) \\ 
    time  & t &  & second (s)  \\
    current  & I &  & ampere (A)  \\
    force  & F & F = mass * acceleration  & newton (\si{\newton})  & \SI{1}{\newton} = \SI{1}{\kilogram\meter\per\square\second} \\ 
    energy  & E & E = Force * length  & joule (\si{\J})  & \SI{1}{\J} = \SI{1}{\kg\square\m\per\square\s} \\
    power  & P & P = E / t  & watt (W)  & 1 W = 1 J/s \\
    frequency  & f, v & number per second  & hertz (Hz)  & 1 Hz = 1 s-1 \\
    charge  & Q & Q = I t  & coulomb (C)  & 1 C = 1 A s \\
    potential  & V & V = E / Q  & volt (V)  & 1 V = 1 J/C \\
    \makecell[tl]{absorbed\\ dose}  & D & E absorbed from ionizing radiation per kg  & gray (Gy)  & 1 Gy = 1 J / kg \newline 1 Gy = 100 rads \\
    exposure  & X & Q liberated by ionizing radiation per kg of air  & C kg-1  & roentgen, R (old) \newline 1 R = 2.58x10-4 C/kg \\
    activity  & A & disintigrations of radioactive material per t  & becquerel (Bq)  & 1 Bq = 1 s-1 \newline 1 Ci (curie, old) = 3.7x1010 Bq\\












\usepackage{pdflscape} % For second example only
%% \usepackage{geometrx} % Used for the third screenshot
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l l L l L}
    Quantity & Symbol & Defining Equation & SI Unit & Units Definition \\ \midrule
    mass  & m & Basic physical units defined arbitrarily and maintained in standardization laboratories  & kilogram (kg)  \\
    length  & l &  & meter (m) \\ 
    time  & t &  & second (s)  \\
    current  & I &  & ampere (A)  \\
    force  & F & F = mass * acceleration  & newton (\si{\newton})  & \SI{1}{\newton} = \SI{1}{\kilogram\meter\per\square\second} \\ 
    energy  & E & E = Force * length  & joule (\si{\J})  & \SI{1}{\J} = \SI{1}{\kg\square\m\per\square\s} \\
    power  & P & P = E / t  & watt (W)  & 1 W = 1 J/s \\
    frequency  & f, v & number per second  & hertz (Hz)  & 1 Hz = 1 s-1 \\
    charge  & Q & Q = I t  & coulomb (C)  & 1 C = 1 A s \\
    potential  & V & V = E / Q  & volt (V)  & 1 V = 1 J/C \\
    \makecell[tl]{absorbed\\ dose}  & D & E absorbed from ionizing radiation per kg  & gray (Gy)  & 1 Gy = 1 J / kg \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Gy = 100 rads \\
    exposure  & X & Q liberated by ionizing radiation per kg of air  & C kg-1  & roentgen, R (old) \\
    &  &  &  & 1 R = 2.58x10-4 C/kg \\
    activity  & A & disintigrations of radioactive material per t  & becquerel (Bq)  & 1 Bq = 1 s-1 \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Ci (curie, old) = 3.7x1010 Bq \\

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l l L l l}
    Quantity & Symbol & Defining Equation & SI Unit & Units Definition \\ \midrule
    mass  & m & Basic physical units defined arbitrarily and maintained in standardization laboratories  & kilogram (kg)  \\
    length  & l &  & meter (m) \\ 
    time  & t &  & second (s)  \\
    current  & I &  & ampere (A)  \\
    force  & F & F = mass * acceleration  & newton (\si{\newton})  & \SI{1}{\newton} = \SI{1}{\kilogram\meter\per\square\second} \\ 
    energy  & E & E = Force * length  & joule (\si{\J})  & \SI{1}{\J} = \SI{1}{\kg\square\m\per\square\s} \\
    power  & P & P = E / t  & watt (W)  & 1 W = 1 J/s \\
    frequency  & f, v & number per second  & hertz (Hz)  & 1 Hz = 1 s-1 \\
    charge  & Q & Q = I t  & coulomb (C)  & 1 C = 1 A s \\
    potential  & V & V = E / Q  & volt (V)  & 1 V = 1 J/C \\
    \makecell[tl]{absorbed\\ dose}  & D & E absorbed from ionizing radiation per kg  & gray (Gy)  & 1 Gy = 1 J / kg \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Gy = 100 rads \\
    exposure  & X & Q liberated by ionizing radiation per kg of air  & C kg-1  & roentgen, R (old) \\
    &  &  &  & 1 R = 2.58x10-4 C/kg \\
    activity  & A & disintigrations of radioactive material per t  & becquerel (Bq)  & 1 Bq = 1 s-1 \\
    &  &  &  & 1 Ci (curie, old) = 3.7x1010 Bq \\




Leandriis 的评论让我意识到,这是因为表格不能超过 1 页,而这次超支就是因为这个原因(即表格对于 1 页来说太大,所以压缩了它)。通过更改字体大小或增加边距可以解决这个问题
