

有没有办法通过数学计算来指定参数?那么,在我的命令定义中,不是写 #3 来指定第三个参数,有没有办法让 #{1+2} 这样的计算来指定第三个参数?我试过了,但没有用,但是有没有类似的东西可以实现这个功能?



 \edef\zzz##1##2##3{use argument #1+#2: ##\the\numexpr#1+#2\relax}%

\zz{1}{1}\zzz A B C

\zz{1}{2}\zzz A B C




在以下示例中,\setargs{{<arg1>}{<arg2>}...}将每个参数存储在全局宏中。当应使用特定值时,您可以使用 获取该值\getarg{<numexpr>},其中<numexpr>可以是数字、计数器或简单的数学表达式。代码不会对索引进行范围检查。


    \expandafter\gdef\csname temp@arg@\the\count0\endcsname{#1}%
    \advance\count0 by 1

    \csname temp@arg@\the\numexpr#1\endcsname






如果有 ε-TeX 扩展可用,或者有其他仅通过扩展来计算数字的包可用,例如包计算或包bigintcalc,你可以这样做:


\cntB=-1 \relax




\csname bye\endcsname


This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2019/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>
> \testA=macro:
l.12     \show\testA
> \testB=macro:
l.17     \show\testB
> \testC=macro:
l.22     \show\testC
No pages of output.
Transcript written on test.log.



当进行“ \expandafter-hopping”时,你可以将哈希#视为任何其他标记。

但请注意,当执行内部定义的宏被扩展时,定义中的定义两个哈希会合并为一个,因此在这种情况下“ \expandafter-hopping”应该是这样的:...\expandafter##\the\numexpr...






\SelectArgsInBraces{⟨list of numbers {N_1}{N_2}..{N_L}⟩}%
{⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩}

{⟨list of problematic numbers⟩}%
{%⟨list of selected arguments⟩:
  {⟨N_1-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩}%
  {⟨N_2-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩}%
  {⟨N_L-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩}%


\SelectArgsWithoutBraces{⟨list of numbers {N_1}{N_2}..{N_L}⟩}%
{⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩}

{⟨list of problematic numbers⟩}%
{%⟨list of selected arguments⟩:
  ⟨N_1-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩%
  ⟨N_2-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩%
  ⟨N_L-th element of the ⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩⟩%

保存了其中第- 个元素不存在的⟨list of problematic numbers⟩数字的列表。N_PN_P⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩

这两个列表可以传递给处理两个参数的宏。这里, 将⟨list of problematic numbers⟩是第一个参数, 将⟨list of selected arguments⟩是第二个参数。如果您希望在传递 时忽略有问题的数字⟨list of selected arguments⟩,则此类宏可以简单地输出其第二个参数。如果该列表不为空,此类宏也可以评估其第一个参数/ ,⟨list of problematic numbers⟩以传递更详细的错误消息。


  % list of numbers {N_1}{N_2}..{N_L}
  % list of undelimited arguments:


⟨list of problematic numbers⟩包含数字 23 和 17,因为⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩在这种情况下既没有第 23 个元素,也没有第 17 个元素。


  % list of numbers {N_1}{N_2}..{N_L}
  % list of undelimited arguments:
  {one }{two }{three }{four }{five }{six }{seven }{eight }%
  {nine }{ten }{eleven }{twelve }{thirteen }{fourteen }{fifteen }%

{{23}{17}}{four one three four fifteen }%

⟨list of problematic numbers⟩包含数字 23 和 17,因为⟨list of K undelimited arguments⟩在这种情况下既没有第 23 个元素,也没有第 17 个元素。




你可以用任何能扩展为有效 TeX 的表达式来提供数字 -⟨数字⟩-数量。
例如,就 ε-TeX 而言\numexpr
例如,就包 intcalc/bigintcalc 的宏而言。


如果这样的表达式不能计算出有效的 TeX-,你就会面临各种难以理解的错误消息。⟨数字⟩-数量。

(在所有情况下,测试都会预测任意的标记序列是否评估为有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-数量是不可行的:任意的 token 序列意味着可以执行任意基于扩展的算法。因此,人们面临着停机问题

%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@stopromannumeral, \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@exchange,
%%    \UD@PassFirstToSecond,  \UD@CheckWhetherNull
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Extract K-th inner undelimited argument:
%% \ExtractKthArgInBraces{<integer K>}%
%%                       {<tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>}%
%%                       {<list of undelimited arguments>} 
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of indelimited arguments> : 
%%   <tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of indelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver that K-th argument nested in braces.
%% If you leave <tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument> empty,
%% then the case of there not being a k-th-argument in the list can be cranked out as then
%% only in case of there not being a k-th-argument nothing/emptiness is returned by 
%% \ExtractKthArgInBraces.
%%     Examples:
%%       \ExtractKthArgInBraces{0}{not available}{ABCDE} yields: not available
%%       \ExtractKthArgInBraces{3}{not available}{ABCDE} yields:  {C}
%%       \ExtractKthArgInBraces{3}{not available}{AB{CD}E} yields:  {CD}
%%       \ExtractKthArgInBraces{4}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: {004}
%%       \ExtractKthArgInBraces{6}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: not available
%% Due to \romannumeral-expansion the result is delivered after two
%% expansion-steps/after two "hits" from \expandafter.
%% \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{<integer K>}
%%                            {<tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>}%
%%                            {<list of undelimited arguments>} 
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of indelimited arguments> : 
%%   <tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of indelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver that K-th argument with one level of surrounding braces
%%   removed if present.
%%     Examples:
%%       \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{0}{not available}{ABCDE} yields: not available
%%       \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{3}{not available}{ABCDE} yields:  C
%%       \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{3}{not available}{AB{CD}E} yields:  CD
%%       \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{4}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: 004
%%       \ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{6}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: not available
%% Due to \romannumeral-expansion the result is delivered after two
%% expansion-steps/after two "hits" from \expandafter.
  % #1: <integer number K>
  \romannumeral\expandafter\UD@ExtractKthArgCheck\expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}{{}}%
  % #1: <integer number K>
  \romannumeral\expandafter\UD@ExtractKthArgCheck\expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}{}%
  % #1: In case K is not positive: empty.
  %     In case K is positive: Letters m whose amount corresponds to 
  %                            <integer number K>
  % #2: <brace removal indicator; if empty, then one level of braces gets removed>
  % #3: <tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>
  % #4: <list of undelimited arguments>
    % K is not positive, thus there is no K-th element.
    % K is positive, thus let's start the loop for removing elements until
    % either the list is empty or the (formerly) K-th argument is the first
    % argument of the list.
  % #1 is frozen-\relax
    % ##1: Letters m 
    % ##2: <brace removal indicator; if empty, then one level of braces gets removed>
    % ##3: <tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a k-th argument>
    % ##4: <list of undelimited arguments>
      % The remaining <list of undelimited arguments> is blank, i.e. empty or
      % only holding spaces, thus there is no K-th argument in that list. 
        % There are no letters "m" left, thus the now first argument of the
        % remaining <list of undelimited arguments> is the (formerly) K-th
        % argument to extract, thus let's now start the loop for removing the
        % elements behind it while keeping it:
        % There are still letters "m" in #1, thus you still need to remove
        % elements both from the remaining <list of undelimited arguments> and
        % from the list of letters "m":
%% Usage of frozen-\relax as delimiter is for speeding things up by reducing the
%% amount of iterations needed. I chose frozen-\relax because David Carlisle 
%% pointed out in   <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/578877>
%% that frozen-\relax cannot be (re)defined in terms of \outer and cannot be
%% affected by \uppercase/\lowercase.
%% \UD@ExtractFirstArg's argument may contain frozen-\relax:
%% The only effect is that internally more iterations are needed for
%% obtaining the result.
    % \UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop with each element of a list of frozen-\relax-
    % delimited list splits the first undelimited component, keeps it, nested
    % in curly braces (which implies that in the next removal-iteration it will
    % again be the first component), and throws away the remainder and the 
    % frozen-\relax-Delimiter. As it is ensured that at the beginning of the loop
    % the list has a trailing frozen-\relax, at some stage, when all
    % frozen-\relax-elements were processed, only the very first undelimited
    % component of the list remains.
    % This way using frozen-\relax is not forbidden to the user if s/he insists in
    % doing so.
%% End of code for \ExtractKthArgInBraces/\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces.
%% Select several arguments from a list of undelimited arguments:
%% \SelectArgsInBraces{<list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>}%
%%                    {<list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%  yields:
%%   {<list of problematic elements>}%
%%   {% <list of selected elements>:
%%      {N_1-th element of <list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%      ..
%%      {N_L-th element of <list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%   }%
%%  , each element nested in braces.
%% \SelectArgsWithoutBraces{<list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>}%
%%                         {<list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%  yields:
%%   {<list of problematic elements>}%
%%   {% <list of selected elements>:
%%      N_1-th element of <list of undelimited arguments>%
%%      ..
%%      N_L-th element of <list of undelimited arguments>%
%%   }%
%%  , each element without outermost surrounding braces if previously present.
%% Elements can be selected several times.
%% Usually the <list of problematic elements> should be empty.
%% In case some number N_P denotes an element which the list does not have, 
%% that number N_P is in the <list of problematic elements>. Duplicates in
%% that list are not checked.
%% If the <list of selected elements> is empty, this means that the
%% <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>  did not denote elements which the
%% <list of undelimited arguments> does have.
%% \SelectArgsInBraces/\SelectArgsWithoutBraces forms a tail-recursive loop
%% for calling \ExtractKthArgInBraces.
%% Due to \romannumeral-expansion the result is delivered after two
%% expansion-steps/after two "hits" from \expandafter.
   % #1 = <list of numbers N_1..N_L>
   % #2 = <list of undelimited arguments>
   % #1 = <list of numbers N_1..N_L>
   % #2 = <list of undelimited arguments>
%% \InnerSelectArgs{<list of problematic numbers>}%
%%                 {<list of selected arguments>}%
%%                 {<list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>}%
%%                 {<list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%                 {<brace-nesting-indicator; 
%%                   if empty, then elements shall not be surrounded by braces>}%
  %% #1 = <list of problematic elements>
  %% #2 = <list of selected arguments>
  %% #3 = <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>
  %% #4 = <list of undelimited arguments>
  %% #5 = <brace-nesting-indicator; 
  %%       if empty, then elements shall not be surrounded by braces>}%
%% Error-message in case the <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}> denotes elements
%% which the <list of undelimited arguments> does not have:
%% \UD@InvalidArgSpecifiersError{<name of command which triggers the 
%%                                error-message>}%
%%                              {<list of problematic elements>}%
%%                              {<syntax descriptor of argument that holds 
%%                               <list of undelimited arguments> >}%
%%                              {<syntax descriptor of argument that holds
%%                               <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}> >}%
%% <syntax descriptor of...> is to hold a phrase like  fifth non-optional".
    Invalid arguments `\the\toks@' specified%
    See the comments of this file for explanation.%
    The #3 argument of \@backslashchar#1 holds a list of%
    non-delimited arguments whereof elements can be selected via the%
    number-list in the #4 argument.%
    Seems the number-list in the #4 argument denotes%
    arguments which the list in the #3 argument does not have.%
%% Now for the sake of having fun a user-level-macro where you can specify
%% a <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}> and a <list of undelimited arguments>
%% and which throws an error-message in case <list of numbers {N_1}..{N_L}>
%% denotes arguments which the <list of undelimited arguments> does not
%% have and which defines the macro `\tempa` to expand to the resulting
%% <list of selected arguments> and which then displays the meaning
%% of \tempa:
                                 {second non-delimited}%
                                 {first non-delimited}%
  \texttt{\string\tempa: \meaning\tempa}%
%% Now a helper-macro for the test-suite:


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\parindent=0ex %

\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{-1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{-1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{0}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{0}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{2}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{2}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{3}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{3}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{4}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{4}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{12}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{12}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{14}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgWithoutBraces{14}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}


\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{-1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{-1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{0}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{0}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{1}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{2}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{2}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{3}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{3}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{4}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|: 
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{4}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{12}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{12}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}\\
\verb|\ExtractKthArgInBraces{14}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}|:
\performtest{\ExtractKthArgInBraces{14}{not available}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}{F}{G}{H}{I}{J}{K}{L}}}










\message{^^JThe next test is expected to throw an error message.%
         ^^JSo don't be frightened.%
         ^^JPress return to continue.}\immediate\read-1to\tempa


\message{^^JThe next test is expected to throw an error message.%
         ^^JSo don't be frightened.%
         ^^JPress return to continue.}\immediate\read-1to\tempa


Permute some arguments without brace-removal :



Permute some arguments with brace-removal :


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019  - 2022 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.

此示例的 pdf 输出为:



