我正在做一项作业,并从以前的作业中复制并粘贴了一些示例代码以开始使用。当我尝试编译 PDF 时发生致命错误。我粘贴了我的代码和日志文件:
% Meta data:
\author{Gabby Rivera}
\title{Lab 3}
\section*{Data Structure}
White's data is stored in an .Rdata file. The data itself is structured as a cross-sectional time series with a total of 1,974 observations.
Table~\ref{tab:bibleXkids} shows the relationship between feelings about the Bible and whether the respondent has children. The $\chi^2$ statistic (63.18 with 2 degrees of freedom) is significant with $p = 0.0000 < 0.05$.
Table~\ref{tab:penaltyXkids} shows the relationship between attitudes toward the death penalty and whether the respondent has children. The $\chi^2$ statistic (0.08 with 1 degree of freedom) is not significant with $p = 0.78 > 0.05$..
% TASK: Comment out the \nocite{} command on the next line once you have completed the citation task above
I have downloaded the replication data but it will not allow me to cite.
日志档案 :
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2019.5.8) 16 SEP 2019 12:13
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Package: setspace 2011/12/19 v6.7a set line spacing
Package: natbib 2010/09/13 8.31b (PWD, AO)
LaTeX Info: Redefining \cite on input line 694.
Package: multirow 2019/01/01 v2.4 Span multiple rows of a table
\openout1 = `Milestone2_Rivera.aux'.
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Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
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Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
687 strings out of 492616
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您可以将其作为单独的文件(正如@DavidCarlisle 所说),或者您需要在文档的序言中写出内容。
% Meta data:
\author{Gabby Rivera}
\title{Lab 3}
\begin{tabular}{c c}
Now & Then \\
5 & 25 \\
\begin{tabular}{c c}
Then & Again \\
25 & 625 \\
title={New Testament},
author={Bible, Holy},
journal={Gospel According to St Mark},
\section*{Data Structure}
White's data is stored in an .Rdata file. The data itself is structured
as a cross-sectional time series with a total of 1,974 observations.
Table~\ref{tab:bibleXkids} shows the relationship between feelings
about the Bible and whether the respondent has children.
The $\chi^2$ statistic (63.18 with 2 degrees of freedom) is significant
with $p = 0.0000 < 0.05$.
Table~\ref{tab:penaltyXkids} shows the relationship between attitudes
toward the death penalty and whether the respondent has children.
The $\chi^2$ statistic (0.08 with 1 degree of freedom) is not significant
with $p = 0.78 > 0.05$..
% TASK: Comment out the \nocite{} command on the next line once you have
completed the citation task above
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} % apsr2006
I have downloaded the replication data but it will not allow me to cite.