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                 Special Assignment Wing\\Controllerate of Quality Assurance \\ Armoured Vehicle Electronics\\Avadi, Chennai – 600 054}

\fancyhead[C]{\includegraphics[scale=1]{images/"dgqa logo".png} }
                 File No: 20211/JC/SA dt 17 Sep 2019}
                 Typeset in \LaTeX}


                    \underline{NOTING SHEET}                    \\
                    \underline{KEY RESULT AREAS: ISO 9001:2015} \\

\underline{Jt Controller (SA)/MR}\\

\item Please refer 
\item d \footnote{Flag 4A}. The ed \footnote{Flag 5A}.The al also \footnote{Flag 6A}. \\
\item Record of changes is as below:
\item Addition
\item Amendment 
\item Placed for perusal .\\

\raggedleft {JS Bibra}\\

\raggedright \underline{Controller}

