\bar 仅在表格的数学模式错误中允许

\bar 仅在表格的数学模式错误中允许

我在使用下表时遇到 TeX 错误,但我不知道为什么......

  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed.}
      & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bar{N}_{all}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\sigma_{N_{all}}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bar{N}_{mig}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\sigma_{N_{mig}}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\bar{N}_{sca}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\sigma_{N_{sca}}} \\
    Min M_E & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.4   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.6   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    d-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0     & 0     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\
  \label{tab: System values for different planet types in all HJ Systems}%




  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed.}
      & \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\bar{N}_\mathrm{all}$} &
      \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{all}}$} & 
      \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\bar{N}_\mathrm{mig}$} & 
      \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{mig}}$} & 
      \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\bar{N}_\mathrm{sca}$} & 
      \multicolumn{1}{l}{$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{sca}}$} \\
    $\min M_E$ & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.4   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.6   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    $d$-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0     & 0     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\
  \label{tab: System values for different planet types in all HJ Systems}%




  1. 将表格放在三部分表环境,这是一种将标题与表格对齐的简单方法
  2. 使用书签绘制一些水平线
  3. 使用希尼奇以使用小数排版列。或者,您可以使用大批\newcolumntype构建一个右对齐的数学列,然后通过添加零来规范化所有数字,这样你就有相同的小数位数(0.40,0.00ETC。)(见示例2)。
  4. 拆除左、右侧轴承 ( @{})
  5. 始终将其放在-commandlabel内部caption(最佳实践)。

示例 1 -希尼奇


\usepackage{amsmath, booktabs, threeparttable, array}

  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed\label{tab:System-values}}
      & $\bar{N}_\mathrm{all}$   &
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{all}}$ & 
      $\bar{N}_\mathrm{mig}$     & 
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{mig}}$ & 
      $\bar{N}_\mathrm{sca}$        & 
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{sca}}$ \\
    $\min M_E$ & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.4   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.6   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    $d$-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0     & 0     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\

示例 2 -大批\newcolumntype


\usepackage{amsmath, booktabs, threeparttable, array}

  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed\label{tab: System values for different planet types in all HJ Systems}}

      & \bar{N}_\mathrm{all}   &
      \sigma_{N_\mathrm{all}} & 
      \bar{N}_\mathrm{mig}     & 
      \sigma_{N_\mathrm{mig}} & 
      \bar{N}_\mathrm{sca}        & 
      \sigma_{N_\mathrm{sca}} \\
    $\min M_E$ & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.40   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.60   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    $d$-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0.00     & 0.00     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\


  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed\label{tab:System-values}}

      & $\bar{N}_\mathrm{all}$   &
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{all}}$ & 
      $\bar{N}_\mathrm{mig}$     & 
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{mig}}$ & 
      $\bar{N}_\mathrm{sca}$        & 
      $\sigma_{N_\mathrm{sca}}$ \\
    $\min M_E$ & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.4   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.6   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    $d$-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0     & 0     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\




  \caption{Here are all average values, as well as the standard deviation to them, of the different planet types in all systems of the population J39 with HJ listed.}
      & {$\bar{N}_\mathrm{all}$} &
      {$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{all}}$} & 
      {$\bar{N}_\mathrm{mig}$} & 
      {$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{mig}}$} & 
      {$\bar{N}_\mathrm{sca}$} & 
      {$\sigma_{N_\mathrm{sca}}$} \\
    $\min M_E$ & 5.81  & 4.88  & 10.39 & 3.74  & 2.23  & 1.25 \\
    earthlike & 1.31  & 1.71  & 2.52  & 1.81  & 0.4   & 0.81 \\
    superearths & 1.6   & 2.45  & 3.43  & 2.73  & 0.13  & 0.35 \\
    giants & 1.19  & 0.89  & 0.87  & 1.01  & 1.43  & 0.68 \\
    $d$-burning & 0.25  & 0.52  & 0     & 0     & 0.43  & 0.63 \\
    AMD   & 1247.54 & 4292.39 & 10.95 & 43.72 & 2154.01 & 5402.85 \\
  \label{tab: System values for different planet types in all HJ Systems}%
