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            Key Result Areas \\
            August 2019}\\
            [2\baselineskip] % Title
        \item {\large
                { DGQA Unit Run Canteen\\ 
        \item ISO Certification 9001:2015\\
        \item CQA(AVL) Standing Orders}}
        \\[4\baselineskip] % Subtitle or further description
            {colonel js bibra\\
                joint controller}
            } % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps
            {0.45\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
            The Publisher~~\plogo}\\
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\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{report}                 %inter office note /cover page vertical line template


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\hspace{0.05\textwidth}% <--- don'f forget
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   Key Result Areas \\
   August 2019\\}


   \item \textit{DGQA Unit Run Canteen}

   \item ISO Certification 9001:2015

   \item CQA(AVL) Standing Orders


  \MakeUppercase{Colonel JS Bibra}\\
  \MakeUppercase{Joint Controller}


  The Publisher~~\plogo










\newcommand*{\plogo}{\fbox{$\mathcal{PL}$}}          % Generic dummy publisher logo 
\renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault}             % best



% Logo on the left side


% Vertical line with some space on either side
\rule{1pt}{\textheight}% <--- don't forget
% Paragraph box for holding the title page text,


   Key Result Areas \\
   August 2019\\}


   \item \textit{DGQA Unit Run Canteen}

   \item ISO Certification 9001:2015

   \item CQA(AVL) Standing Orders


  \MakeUppercase{Colonel JS Bibra}\\
  \MakeUppercase{Joint Controller}


  The Publisher~~\plogo






