我是 Latex 的新手,我尝试重现一个表格(见上图)作为大学练习。我需要垂直和水平拆分单元格,如图所示。此外,我需要给表格添加标题。使用我的代码,我可以水平拆分行,但对于垂直拆分,我找不到适合我的解决方案。
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{learning process} & learning tools & search space \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{feature engineering} & (subsequent) classifiers & feature sets \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{} & & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{model selection} & classifiers & classifiers and their hyper-parameters \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{optimization algorithm selection} & classifiers & algorithms and their hyper-parameters \\
%\documentclass[headsepline,footsepline,footinclude=false,fontsize=11pt,paper=a4,listof=totoc,bibliography=totoc,BCOR=12mm,DIV=12]{scrbook} % two-sided % original source stated: BCOR=12mm,DIV=12 \documentclass[headsepline,footsepline,footinclude=false,oneside,fontsize=11pt,paper=a4,listof=totoc,bibliography=totoc,DIV=12]{scrbook} % one-sided
\mcl{\textbf{learning process}}
& \textbf{learning tools}
& \textbf{search space} \\
\mcl{\multirow{2}{*}{feature engineering}}
& \multirow{2}{*}{(subsequent) classifiers}
& feature sets \\
& & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters \\
\mcl{model selection}
& classifiers
& classifiers and their hyper-parameters \\
\mcl{optimization algorithm selection}
& classifiers
& algorithms and their hyper-parameters \\
\multirow{2}{12mm}{full scope}
& general
& classifiers
& xxx \\
& neural arcitecture search (NAS)
& neural networks
& networtk structure \\
\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}
\mcl{\textbf{learning process}}
& \textbf{learning tools}
& \textbf{search space} \\
\mcl{\multirow{3}{*}{feature engineering}}
& \multirow{3}{=}{(subsequent) classifiers}
& feature sets \\
& & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters \\
\mcl{model selection}
& classifiers
& classifiers and their hyper-parameters \\
\mcl{optimization algorithm selection}
& classifiers
& algorithms and their hyper-parameters \\
\multirow{2}{8mm}{full scope}
& general
& classifiers
& xxx \\
& neural arcitecture search (NAS)
& neural networks
& networtk structure \\
类似于中的解决方案@Zarko 的回答,不同之处在于(a)它使用一个sidewaystable
\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2cm]{geometry} % set page parameters appropriately
\usepackage{rotating} % for 'sidewaystable' environment
\usepackage{array} % for '\extrarowheight' macro
\usepackage{multirow} % for '\multirow' macro
\renewcommand\familydefault\sfdefault % optional: switch to sans-serif (globally)
\begin{sidewaystable} % 'table' in landscape mode
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a more open 'look'
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\bfseries learning process}
& \bfseries learning tools & \bfseries search space \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\multirow{2}{*}{feature engineering}}
& \multirow{2}{*}{(subsequent) classifiers} & feature sets \\
& & feature enhancing methods and their hyper-parameters \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{model selection}
& classifiers & classifiers and their hyper-parameters \\
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{optimization algorithm selection}
& classifiers & algorithms and their hyper-parameters\\
\multirow{2}{*}{full scope} & general
& classifiers & a union of search space in feature, model, and/or algorithm \\
& neural architecture search (NAS) & neural networks & network structures \\