我在两个相关表格上使用 \begin{table} \subtable[] \subtable[] \end{table},这两个表格水平平铺(一个在另一个上面)。问题是我希望(子)标题 (a) 和 (b) 比图更宽(占据整个页面宽度),而不是像现在这样(见图)。我希望子标题与页面一样宽。我该如何设置标题?谢谢!Michael
\usepackage{subfig}% Support for small, `sub' figures and tables
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
\subtable[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) - total occurrences of sub-fields]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693\\ \hline
\subtable[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books
cataloged by both agencies) - Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \hline
\captionsetup[subfloat]{width=\textwidth} % To use the full width of the page instead of the width of the corresponding subtable.
% only used for last example
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
\subfloat[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) - total occurrences of sub-fields]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693\\ \hline
\subfloat[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books
cataloged by both agencies) - Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \hline
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies -- Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
\subfloat[total occurrences of sub-fields]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693\\ \hline
\subfloat[Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \hline
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies -- Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
& \multicolumn{4}{l}{\small a) total occurrences of sub-fields} & \multicolumn{4}{p{5cm}}{\small b) Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field}\\
\cmidrule(r){2-5} \cmidrule(l){6-9}
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$ & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$ \\ \midrule
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775 & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693 & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \bottomrule
\captionsetup[subfloat]{width=\textwidth} % To use the full width of the page instead of the width of the corresponding subtable.
% only used for ast example
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
\subfloat[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) - total occurrences of sub-fields]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693\\ \hline
\subfloat[Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books
cataloged by both agencies) - Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \hline
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies -- Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
\subfloat[total occurrences of sub-fields]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693\\ \hline
\subfloat[Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field]{
\begin{tabular}{|| c | c | c | c | c || }
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$\\ \hline
BIBBI & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \hline
\caption{Use of added entries by agencies -- Difference in registering added entries between agencies (across 5815 books cataloged by both agencies) \label{addedEntriesAgencies}}
& \multicolumn{4}{l}{\small a) total occurrences of sub-fields} & \multicolumn{4}{p{5cm}}{\small b) Records with at least one occurrence of sub-field}\\
\cmidrule(r){2-5} \cmidrule(l){6-9}
Agency & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$ & 700 $\$a$ & 700 $\$e$ & 700 $\$t$ & 740 $\$a$ \\ \midrule
BIBBI & 5844 & 4574 & 1272 & 775 & 3354 & 3262 & 179 & 571\\
Bokbasen & 5632 & 5623 & 0 & 693 & 3667 & 3664 & 0 & 417\\ \bottomrule