在 enumitem 包中,如何独立调整列表中最后一项和新段落之间的垂直间距?

在 enumitem 包中,如何独立调整列表中最后一项和新段落之间的垂直间距?


  • .tex文件包含unicode字符,因此我需要使用支持unicode的引擎(例如XeLaTeX)来编译它。
  • 段落需要用垂直间隙而不是缩进来划分。我想使用parskip包来尽可能轻松地实现此要求。
  • 文档包含许多枚举列表,这些列表的标签需要遵循非默认方案,例如,使用小写字母标签表示最外层的嵌套级别,而不是通常的阿拉伯数字标准。我想使用enumitem包来尽可能轻松地实现此要求。



  • 案例 0:parskip包装在从一个段落过渡到另一个段落时通常提供的标准垂直间距
  • 情况1:从段落正文跳转到列表第一项时的垂直间距
  • 案例 2:从列表的最后一项跳转回同一段落的正文续篇时的垂直间距
  • 案例三:从列表的最后一项跳转到新段落时的垂直间距

由于案例 1 和案例 2 都是发生的转换之内对于给定的段落,我希望这些间距相对较小:大约与普通行距相同大小(即,大约为 的大小\baselineskip)或可能稍大一点。目的是从视觉上提示读者我们仍然在同一个段落内操作。

相反,情况 0 和情况 3 都是发生之间段落。因此,我希望这些间距彼此大小大致相同,并且比情况 1 和 2 稍大一些。


  • 案例 1 和案例 2 的间距大小与我在实际文档中使用的间距大致相同
  • 夸大 Case 0 间距,以便更容易看到其效果
% Basic document setup

% Use this package because I need paragraphs delineated with vertical spacing
% instead of indents

% Use this package because I want non-default settings for both the item
% labels as well as how they are spaced relative to one another
\setlist[enumerate]{label = (\alph*),
                    ref = (\alph*),
                    topsep = -4ex,
                    parsep = 0ex,
                    itemsep = 0.5ex,
                    partopsep = 20ex  % Large value to show it has no impact in this example

% Use this because my document contains unicode characters, and compiles with
% the XeLaTex engine
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


This is an ordinary paragraph.  It contains no lists.  It's sole purpose is to illustrate ordinary interparagraph spacing, as controlled by package \texttt{parskip}.  Below this is a Case 0 vertical space.

This is a paragraph that contains an enumeration list inside the body of the paragraph--the enumerate environment is bracketed by same-paragraph text both before and immediately afterward.  Below this line is a Case 1 vertical space: i.e., the space between some ordinary paragraph text and the first item of the list.
\item Here are some unicode characters: α, β, γ
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this item is a Case 2 vertical space: i.e., the space between the final item in a list and the continuation of the paragraph.
Here is a continuation of paragraph two. Below this line is another Case 0 vertical space, followed by a third paragraph.

Here is a third paragraph.  It contains an enumeration list at the \emph{end} of the paragraph.  Below this line is another Case 1 vertical space.
\item Here are some more unicode characters: δ and ε
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this is a Case 3 vertical space: i.e., the space between a final list item and the start of a \emph{new} paragraph.

This is a fourth and final paragraph.  In my example, it's squished up against the third paragraph, because the Case 3 spacing between them is too small.  How do I adjust the spacing parameters of the \texttt{parskip} and \texttt{enumitem} packages to make Case 3 look more like Case 0--but without affecting Case 1 or Case 2?


以下是在我的系统上使用 XeLaTeX 进行编译的结果: parskip 与 enumitem 最小工作示例

我的问题:如何调整parskipenumitem包的垂直间距参数,使案例 3 看起来更像案例 0,而不影响我已经为案例 1 和 2 设置的值?或者,如果这两个包从根本上不兼容,那么在不弄乱文档其他部分(例如,目录、图形标题等)的垂直间距的情况下,实现这种间距约定的最佳方法是什么?




% Basic document setup

% Use this package because I need paragraphs delineated with vertical spacing
% instead of indents

% Use this package because I want non-default settings for both the item
% labels as well as how they are spaced relative to one another
\setlist[enumerate]{label = (\alph*),
                    ref = (\alph*),
                    topsep = -4ex,
                    parsep = 0ex,
                    itemsep = 0.5ex,
                    partopsep = 20ex , % Large value to show it has no impact in this example

% Use this because my document contains unicode characters, and compiles with
% the XeLaTex engine
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


This is an ordinary paragraph.  It contains no lists.  It's sole purpose is to illustrate ordinary interparagraph spacing, as controlled by package \texttt{parskip}.  Below this is a Case 0 vertical space.

This is a paragraph that contains an enumeration list inside the body of the paragraph--the enumerate environment is bracketed by same-paragraph text both before and immediately afterward.  Below this line is a Case 1 vertical space: i.e., the space between some ordinary paragraph text and the first item of the list.
\item Here are some unicode characters: α, β, γ
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this item is a Case 2 vertical space: i.e., the space between the final item in a list and the continuation of the paragraph.
Here is a continuation of paragraph two. Below this line is another Case 0 vertical space, followed by a third paragraph.

Here is a third paragraph.  It contains an enumeration list at the \emph{end} of the paragraph.  Below this line is another Case 1 vertical space.
\item Here are some more unicode characters: δ and ε
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this is a Case 3 vertical space: i.e., the space between a final list item and the start of a \emph{new} paragraph.

This is a fourth and final paragraph.  In my example, it's squished up against the third paragraph, because the Case 3 spacing between them is too small.  How do I adjust the spacing parameters of the \texttt{parskip} and \texttt{enumitem} packages to make Case 3 look more like Case 0--but without affecting Case 1 or Case 2?





% Use this package because I need paragraphs delineated with vertical spacing
% instead of indents
% Use this package because I want non-default settings for both the item
% labels as well as how they are spaced relative to one another
\setlist[enumerate]{label = (\alph*),
 ref = (\alph*)

% Use this because my document contains unicode characters, and compiles with
% the XeLaTex engine
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

This is an ordinary paragraph. It contains no lists. Its sole purpose is to illustrate ordinary interparagraph spacing, as controlled by package \texttt{parskip}. Below this is a Case 0 vertical space.

This is a paragraph that contains an enumeration list inside the body of the paragraph--the enumerate environment is bracketed by same-paragraph text both before and immediately afterward. Below this line is a Case 1 vertical space: i.e., the space between some ordinary paragraph text and the first item of the list.
\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*), ref=(\alph*), nosep, itemsep=0.5ex, topsep =0.5ex, before={\parskip = 0pt}, after =\vspace*{-\oldskip}]
\item Here are some unicode characters: $ α, β, γ $
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this item is a Case 2 vertical space: i.e., the space between the final item in a list and the continuation of the paragraph.
Here is a continuation of paragraph two. Below this line is another Case 0 vertical space, followed by a third paragraph.

Here is a third paragraph. It contains an enumeration list at the \emph{end} of the paragraph. Below this line is another Case 1 vertical space.
\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*), ref=(\alph*), nosep, itemsep=0.5ex, topsep =0.5ex, before={\parskip = 0pt}]%,
\item Here are some more unicode characters: $ δ $ and $ ε $
\item Here's a second list item
\item Below this is a Case 3 vertical space: i.e., the space between a final list item and the start of a \emph{new} paragraph.

This is a fourth and final paragraph. In my example, it's squished up against the third paragraph, because the Case 3 spacing between them is too small. How do I adjust the spacing parameters of the \texttt{parskip} and \texttt{enumitem} packages to make Case 3 look more like Case 0--but without affecting Case 1 or Case 2?


