概念上与 Vinzza 的答案类似,但使用pic
s 代替宏,并且可以用 绘制单个塔matches
\fill [PeachPuff] (0,0) rectangle (0+4,0+0.2);
\fill [PeachPuff!60!Black] (0,0) -- ++(4,0)-- ++(0.1,-0.05) -- ++(-4,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.05);
\draw (0,0) -- ++(0,0.2) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,-0.2) -- ++(0.1,-0.05) -- ++(-4,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.05);
\shade[ball color=red] (0+4,0+0.1) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.22cm);
\draw (0+4,0+0.1) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.22cm);
\foreach \YY in {0,...,#1}
{\path foreach \XX in {0,...,\YY}
{ (-2.2-4.4*\XX,-2.2+4.8*#1-4.8*\YY)pic[rotate=90]{match} (-2.2-4.4*\XX,2.2+4.8*#1-4.8*\YY)pic{match}
(-2.2+4.4*\XX,-2.2+4.8*#1-4.8*\YY)pic[rotate=90]{match} (-2.2+4.4*\XX,2.2+4.8*#1-4.8*\YY)pic{match}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.25,transform shape]
\path foreach \Z in {0,...,5}
{({9*\Z*(\Z+1)/2+2*\Z},0) pic{matches=\Z}
node[below=3cm,scale=6]{$\the\numexpr\Z+1$ stories}};
您可以使用多个 \foreach 来完成此操作,这可能不是最漂亮的方法,但我发现它非常简单!
\begin{scope}[line width=.2,shift={(#1,#2)},rotate=#3,scale=.2,shift={(.25,0)}]
\fill [PeachPuff] (0,0) rectangle (0+4,0+.2);
\fill [PeachPuff!60!Black] (0,0) -- ++(4,0)-- ++(0.1,-0.05) -- ++(-4,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.05);
\draw (0,0) -- ++(0,.2) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,-.2) -- ++(0.1,-0.05) -- ++(-4,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.05);
\shade[ball color=red] (0+4,0+0.1) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.22cm);
\draw (0+4,0+0.1) ellipse (0.25cm and 0.22cm);
%% Set the position of the next tower
\coordinate (dum) at (0,0);
\foreach \t in {0,...,5}{
%%%%%%%%%% Draw to tower of height \t+1 %%%%%
\foreach \z in {0,...,\t}{
\foreach \x in {-\z,...,\z}{
\allumette{\t+\x}{\t+1-\z}{0} % Horizontal
\allumette{\t+\x}{\t-\z}{90} % Vertical
\allumette{\t+\z+1}{\t-\z}{90} % Last one on the line
%%%%%%%%%% Draw to tower of height \t+1 %%%%%
%% The text under the tower
\node[anchor=north] at (\t+.5,-.5) {\bfseries\foo{} \'etages};
%% Set the position of the next tower
\coordinate (dum) at (2*\t+2,0);