

我正在尝试使用 minipages 将文档分成三部分。首先,我创建了一个顶部条带,然后我想将文档分成两部分,并使这些部分完全填满页面剩余的垂直间距



% Heavily commented to hopefully undestand what I am doing (Help!)

% Start a document with the here given default font size and paper size.

% Call needed packages
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0pt]{geometry} % Set the page margins.
\usepackage{lipsum} % To create random text

% Setup the language.

%Colors used
\definecolor{babyblueeyes}{rgb}{0.63, 0.79, 0.95}
\definecolor{blizzardblue}{rgb}{0.67, 0.9, 0.93}

% Command to check margins


    %--- TOP STRIP ---%
        \noindent % Delete indentation white space
        \colorbox{babyblueeyes}{% Background color
            \begin{minipage}[c][0.65in]{\textwidth}% Height and width of minipage
                \textbf{John Doe Peter}}
                \\ \medskip
                \textbf{Evolving Latex apprentice}}
    %--- LEFT STRIP ---%    
    \colorbox{blizzardblue}{% Background color
    \begin{minipage}[t][10in]{0.2\textwidth}% Height and width of minipage
            \textbf{Title side strip}}
        \\ \medskip
            \textbf{Text side strip}}
    %--- RIGHT PART ---%




所用代码如下。calculateBottomStripHeight 中的 -0.2in 是手动选择的,我猜它是来自 minipage 或 colorbox 中某种内部填充或边距的值,但我无法通过编程将其删除。

\newlength{\topstripheight} % Top strip height

此后,我仅对顶部条带使用 \topstripheight,然后调用 \calculateBottomStripHeight 并使用 \avaliafter 作为其他两个小页面的高度。我已经测试过了,它似乎工作正常。


% Start a document with the here given default font size and paper size.

% Call needed packages
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0pt]{geometry} % Set the page margins.
\usepackage{lipsum} % To create random text

% Setup the language.

%Colors used
\definecolor{babyblueeyes}{rgb}{0.63, 0.79, 0.95}
\definecolor{blizzardblue}{rgb}{0.67, 0.9, 0.93}

% Command to check margins

% Set top strip height and remaining space
% Credits to KOLEYGR

\newlength{\topstripheight} % Top strip height



    %--- TOP STRIP ---%
        \noindent % Delete indentation white space
        \colorbox{babyblueeyes}{% Background color
            \begin{minipage}[c][\topstripheight]{\textwidth}% Height and width of minipage
                \textbf{John Doe Peter}}
                \\ \medskip
                \textbf{Evolving \LaTeX{} apprentice}}
    %--- LEFT STRIP ---%    
    \colorbox{blizzardblue}{% Background color
    \begin{minipage}[t][\availafter]{0.2\textwidth}% Height and width of minipage
            \textbf{Title side strip} Jesús María y José}
        \\ \medskip
            \textbf{Text side strip}}
    %--- RIGHT PART ---%

