自动调整 tcolorbox 右侧的宽度

自动调整 tcolorbox 右侧的宽度


\begin{tcblisting}{title=Column Factorization,sidebyside, listing and comment,righthand ratio=0.35,
1.500 & 2 \\
750 & 2 \\
375 & 3 \\
125 & 5 \\
25 & 5 \\
5 & 5 \\
\end{array} \quad \boxed{1.500 = 2^2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5^3}$
To solve the exercise we use the method of decomposition into column.

1.500 & 2 \\
750 & 2 \\
375 & 3 \\
125 & 5 \\
25 & 5 \\
5 & 5 \\
\end{array} \quad \boxed{1.500 = 2^2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5^3}$

\begin{tcblisting}{title=Find GCD and LCD,sidebyside, listing and comment,righthand ratio=0.45,
12 = 4 \cdot 3 &= 2^2 \cdot 3 \\
8 &= 2^3
   \text{GCD}(12, 8) = \boxed4 \qquad \text{LCD}(12, 8) = 8 \cdot 3 = \boxed{24}
The numbers are small so to calculate GCD and LCM it is better to use the mental decomposition.

12 = 4 \cdot 3 &= 2^2 \cdot 3 \\
8 &= 2^3
   \text{GCD}(12, 8) = \boxed4 \qquad \text{LCD}(12, 8) = 8 \cdot 3 = \boxed{24}

\begin{tcblisting}{title=Tree diagram,sidebyside, listing and comment,righthand ratio=0.25,
\node[circle,draw,fill=orange!40!white,minimum size=0.7cm] (1) at  (10,10) {+};
\node[circle,draw,fill=orange!40!white,minimum size=0.7cm] (2) at  (9,9) {-};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (3) at  (11,9) {2};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (4) at  (8,8) {7};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (5) at  (10,8) {3};
\draw (1)--(2);
\draw (1)--(3);
\draw (2)--(4);
\draw (2)--(5);
The tree diagram shows the order of the operations and the numbers involved.

\node[circle,draw,fill=orange!40!white,minimum size=0.7cm] (1) at  (10,10) {+};
\node[circle,draw,fill=orange!40!white,minimum size=0.7cm] (2) at  (9,9) {-};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (3) at  (11,9) {2};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (4) at  (8,8) {7};
\node[circle,draw,minimum size=0.7cm] (5) at  (10,8) {3};
\draw (1)--(2);
\draw (1)--(3);
\draw (2)--(4);
\draw (2)--(5);



由于我必须编写大量的 tcolorboxes(特别是 tcblisting,以便获得并排源和输出效果如图这里),如果有办法可以自动调整右侧部分的宽度就好了,这样我就不用每次都手动调整了。


我也尝试过,但是由于页面的总宽度,righthand width=\linewidth它不起作用。\linewidth


  • 有一个环境(tcblisting 或类似的),让我在一侧显示源代码+其他文本,在另一侧仅显示源代码的输出,即而不是“其他文本”;

  • 输出是数学和 tikz,因此必须支持equation、、、、等类似align的环境;\[ \]array$ ... $

  • 输出侧(通常是右侧)的宽度必须自动调整,这样就不需要righthand ratio=...每次都放置。


您可以tcbsidebysidexparse库中使用sidebyside adapt选项。

% \tcbuselibrary{xparse} % in preamble
\tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=right]{<left-hand content>}{<right-hand content>}



\tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=right,]{
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test

\tcbsidebyside[sidebyside adapt=right,]{
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test





\DeclareTotalTColorBox{\mysidebox}{ O{} +m}{
code={\sbox{\mysavebox}{#2}},righthand width=\wd\mysavebox,#1}{\scantokens{\begin{tcblisting}{listing only,blankest}

This is \LaTeX%


\mysidebox[title=The Triangle]{%
    (0,0) node[below]{A} -- (3,1) node[right]{B} -- (1,4) node[above]{C} -- cycle;





\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,right box={$E=m\,c^2$}}
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test

\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,right box={Errare humanum
est.\\ But I am a cat.}}
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test

\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,right box={%
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test




\tcbset{right box/.style={/utils/exec={\setbox\rightbox=\hbox{\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
\end{tabular}}},righthand width=\the\wd\rightbox,comment={\copy\rightbox}}}

\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,
right box={\begin{myalign}E&=m\,c^2\\
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test

\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,right box={Errare humanum
est.\\ But I am a cat.}}
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test

\begin{tcblisting}{sidebyside, listing and comment,right box={%
This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test This is not a test





\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} % for colorboxes
\tcbuselibrary{listings,xparse,skins} % for \tcbsidebyside
\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text


%----- flexible split
% cannot adapt to equation environments unless inside $...$
    title=Title Goes Here,
    sidebyside adapt=left, % we adapt to the size of the left content
    halign=flush center,
    halign lower=left,
    %----- left content
    %--- works
                &x^2 - 2 \\ 
                &x^3 + x - \frac{1}{2}
            \end{aligned} \\
            x^2 + 3 \\ 
            x^3 - \frac{4}{2} + 2
    %--- doesn't work
    % \begin{gather*}
    %     x^2 - 3 \\ x^3 - \frac{4}{2}
    % \end{gather*}
    %----- right content


