

我正在尝试将编号的观察结果发送到最后一页,如下面的 MWE 所示。如何获取要在最后一页显示的正确数字?谢谢!




    \textbf{Thought \#\thethought:}

%-> Defining the environment for the OBSERVATIONS @ the footnote
    \let\thefootnote\relax %... suppresses the footnote numbering
    \footnote{\textbf{Observation on thought \#\thethought-} #1}

%-> Redefine the ENDOTES page title:
\renewcommand{\notesname}{My observations}

%-> Defining the environment for the OBSERVATIONS @ last page
    \let\theendnote\relax %... suppresses the \endnote numbering
    \endnote{\textbf{Observation on thought \#\thethought-} #1}

    In this MWE I show that the \texttt{endnotes} package doesn't read each \texttt{thought} counter value, but only the last one.

The \texttt{endnotes} package is based on the \texttt{\textbackslash footnote} command. The difference: it sends the content to the last page. I created two commands in the preable, as described below

    \item \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs}, which receives one argument, is the command that places my observations in the footnote of the page where it occurs.

    \item \texttt{\textbackslash mylpobs}, which receives one arguement, is the command that places my observation in the last page of the document.

I also defined the macro \texttt{\textbackslash mythought}, where I want to express my thoughts. This is numbered sequentially. For examples, see next section.

\section{Thoughts placed at the footnote}
I want to express three thoughts of mine.

Everyday is a good day to start something new in our lives.%
    \myfnobs{This may not be true if we still didn't accomplish what we started last.}

It is never late to learn new things.%
    \myfnobs{I believe this has no exception}

Tolerance is the key to achieve better world.%
    \myfnobs{Intolerance causes violence, war, and death.}

\section{Thoughts placed at the last page}
Please, let me repeat my three thoughts, but changing the command from \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs} to \texttt{\textbackslash mylpobs}:

Everyday is a good day to start something new in our lives.%
    \mylpobs{This may not be true if we still didn't accomplish what we started last.}

It is never late to learn new things.%
    \mylpobs{I believe this has no exception}

Tolerance is the key to achieve better world.%
    \mylpobs{Intolerance causes violence, war, and death.}

\section{Final considerations}
Let's finish this issue by adding new page and calling the \texttt{\textbackslash theendnotes} command. Observe that at such page, all the \textbf{Observation on thought \#} receive the value 6 (six), instead of the intended value, differently from what happened to when I called the \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs}



首页输出: 在此处输入图片描述

最后一页输出: 在此处输入图片描述






  \textbf{Thought \#\thethought:}%

%-> Defining the environment for the OBSERVATIONS @ the footnote
  \let\thefootnote\relax %... suppresses the footnote numbering
  \footnote{\textbf{Observation on thought \#\thethought-} #1}

%-> Redefine the ENDOTES page title:
\renewcommand{\notesname}{My observations}

%-> Defining the environment for the OBSERVATIONS @ last page
  \let\theendnote\relax %... suppresses the \endnote numbering
    \noexpand\endnote{\noexpand\textbf{Observation on thought \noexpand\#\thethought-} \unexpanded{#1}}%

    In this MWE I show that the \texttt{endnotes} package doesn't read each \texttt{thought} counter value, but only the last one.

The \texttt{endnotes} package is based on the \texttt{\textbackslash footnote} command. The difference: it sends the content to the last page. I created two commands in the preable, as described below

    \item \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs}, which receives one argument, is the command that places my observations in the footnote of the page where it occurs.

    \item \texttt{\textbackslash mylpobs}, which receives one arguement, is the command that places my observation in the last page of the document.

I also defined the macro \texttt{\textbackslash mythought}, where I want to express my thoughts. This is numbered sequentially. For examples, see next section.

\section{Thoughts placed at the footnote}
I want to express three thoughts of mine.

Everyday is a good day to start something new in our lives.%
    \myfnobs{This may not be true if we still didn't accomplish what we started last.}

It is never late to learn new things.%
    \myfnobs{I believe this has no exception}

Tolerance is the key to achieve better world.%
    \myfnobs{Intolerance causes violence, war, and death.}

\section{Thoughts placed at the last page}
Please, let me repeat my three thoughts, but changing the command from \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs} to \texttt{\textbackslash mylpobs}:

Everyday is a good day to start something new in our lives.%
    \mylpobs{This may not be true if we still didn't accomplish what we started last.}

It is never late to learn new things.%
    \mylpobs{I believe this has no exception}

Tolerance is the key to achieve better world.%
    \mylpobs{Intolerance causes violence, war, and death.}

\section{Final considerations}
Let's finish this issue by adding new page and calling the \texttt{\textbackslash theendnotes} command. Observe that at such page, all the \textbf{Observation on thought \#} receive the value 6 (six), instead of the intended value, differently from what happened to when I called the \texttt{\textbackslash myfnobs}




顺便说一句,重复 是没用的\let\thefootnote\relax,除非你把它隐藏在组内。第一次调用\myfnobs将设置\thefootnote\relax 全球. 对于 也类似\theendnote
