使用 setspace、wrapfig 和 pgfplotstable 时出现额外的空白行

使用 setspace、wrapfig 和 pgfplotstable 时出现额外的空白行

我是 LaTex 的新手。如果我的示例文本不够简洁,我深感抱歉。

我需要能够编写双倍行距的文档,具有从 .csv 文件输入的单倍行距的表格,并且使文本环绕表格。

为此,我使用了 setspace、wrapfig 和 pgfplotstable 包,但是当我将表格的单倍行距切换回文本的双倍行距时,我得到的换行符是三倍行距。我该如何修复这个问题?






\noindent I have things to say. Important things. Very very very very very very very very very imporant things. My repec score is a billion gagillion trillion. I have things to say. Important things. Very very very very very very very very very imporant things. My repec score is a billion2 


    \captionsetup{singlelinecheck = false, justification=justified, format=hang}
    \caption{Statistic, Variable}
    col sep=semicolon,
    string type,
    %   column type=c,
    every head row/.style={
        before row={\toprule}, after row=\midrule,},
    every row no 0/.style={before row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{All}} \\ }, 
        after row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{} \\ },},
    every row no 1/.style={before row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{Sub group 1}} \\ }, },
    every row no 2/.style={after row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{}} \\ }, },
    every row no 3/.style={before row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{Sub group 2}} \\}, },
    every row no 6/.style={after row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{}} \\ }, },
    every row no 7/.style={before row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{Sub group 3}} \\}, },
    every row no 8/.style={after row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{}} \\ }, },
    every row no 9/.style={before row={\multicolumn{8}{l}{\textit{Included Covariates:}} \\ }, },
    every last row/.style={
        after row={
            \multicolumn{8}{p{3.6in}}{Note:} },
    columns/r0/.style={column name=, column type=l},
    columns/r1/.style={column name=(73), column type=c},
    columns/r2/.style={column name=\textbf{(74)}, column type=c},
    columns/r3/.style={column name=(75), column type=c},
    columns/r4/.style={column name=(76), column type=c},
    columns/r5/.style={column name=\textbf{(77)}, column type=c},
    columns/r6/.style={column name=\textbf{(78)}, column type=c},
    columns/r7/.style={column name=(79), column type=c},


\noindent gagillion trillion. I have things to say. Important things. Very very very very very very very very very imporant things. My repec score is a billion3. I have things to say. Important things. Very very very very very very very very very imporant things. My repec score is a billion4. I have things to say. Important things. Very very very very very very very very very imporant things. My repec score is a billion5.





大多数 LaTeX 环境都使用 来标识(和输入) \begin{<envname>} ... \end{<envname>},并被定义为“本地组”。当进入一个组时,周围环境的属性会被保存,并在退出/结束本地组时恢复。因此,将“形状”更改封闭在封闭环境中几乎总是安全的,并期望在\end处理 时此更改会消失。

