用自己的文件名替换 s 列表。除此之外,它基本上与您使用的帖子相同。
\tikzset{marrow/.style={minimum height=1.4cm,minimum width=1.2cm,
single arrow, single arrow
head extend=.125cm, single arrow head indent=.08cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[mymat/.style={matrix of nodes,column sep=-\pgflinewidth/2,row sep=-\pgflinewidth/2,
nodes in empty cells,cells={nodes={draw,text depth=0.2ex,text height=1.75em,minimum
width=1.9em,minimum height=1.9em,execute at begin node=\vphantom{1}}}},
node font=\sffamily,>=stealth]
% first matrix
\matrix[mymat,column 1/.style={nodes={font=\Large}}]
(mat1) {
|[text=blue]|\faUser & 5 & 3 & & & 3 \\
|[text=green!70!black]|\faUser & & & 4 & & \\
|[text=purple]|\faUser & 4 & |[fill=blue!20,text=red]| ? & & 3 & 5 \\
|[text=red]|\faUser & & & & & \\
|[text=orange]|\faUser & & & & & \\
|[text=black]|\faUser & & & & & \\
% pics above first matrix (replace them by your own)
\foreach \Pic [count=\Y starting from 2] in
{\node[above=0.1ex of mat1-1-\Y]{\includegraphics[width=1.8em]{\Pic}};}
% arrow
\node[right=1ex of mat1,marrow,draw](marr){};
% second matrix
\matrix[mymat,right=1ex of marr,row 3/.style={
column 1/.style={nodes={font=\Large,draw=none}}]
(mat2) {
|[text=blue]|\faUser & & &\\
|[text=green!70!black]|\faUser & & & \\
|[text=purple]|\faUser & & & \\
|[text=red]|\faUser & & & \\
|[text=orange]|\faUser & & & \\
|[text=black]|\faUser & & & \\
\draw[cyan,<->] ([yshift=1ex]mat2.north-|mat2-1-2.west) --
([yshift=1ex]mat2.north-|mat2-1-4.east) node[midway,above,black]{$k$};
% third matrix
\matrix[mymat,right=2.5em of mat2.north east,
column 2/.style={nodes={fill=blue!20}}]
(mat3) {
& & & & \\
& & & & \\
& & & & \\
\draw[cyan,<->] ([xshift=-1ex]mat3.west|-mat3-3-1.south) --
([xshift=-1ex]mat3.west|-mat3-1-1.north) node[midway,left,black]{$k$};
% pics above third matrix (replace them by your own)
\foreach \Pic [count=\Y] in
{\node[above=0.1ex of mat3-1-\Y]{\includegraphics[width=1.8em]{\Pic}};}