如何将 \citet 和 \citep 与 bibtex 和 verbose-trad2 样式一起使用?

如何将 \citet 和 \citep 与 bibtex 和 verbose-trad2 样式一起使用?

我使用的是 verbose-trad2 样式的 biblatex。我希望在文中引用作者时能够使用类似

   According to \citet{Gavard-Perret_2012} 


根据 Gavard-Perret 等人 (2012) 的研究

和 :

blabla blabla (\citep{Gavard-Perret2012})


就像 blabla blabla 一样(Gavard-Perret 等人,2012b)


\documentclass[oneside, a4paper, 12pt, french]{book}
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm, top=3cm, headheight=26pt, headsep=25pt, heightrounded]{geometry}
\frenchbsetup{FrenchFootnotes=false} %more common footnote style
\usepackage[hang,flushmargin]{footmisc} % footnote presentation
\setcounter{tocdepth}{5} % level of sectioning titles printed in TOC
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} %sectioning titles are numbered: level 5
\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % nom du chapitre apparait en TOC
\usepackage[dvipsnames, svgnames, table]{xcolor}
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs, hhline}
\usepackage[justification=centering, margin=2cm,font=small]{caption}
\usepackage{xltabular, siunitx, lscape}
\usepackage{setspace} %interligne 1.5
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % espace entre deux paragraphes
\usepackage[explicit, clearempty]{titlesec}
\usepackage{enumitem} % modifier et personaliser les puces des listes
\usepackage{pifont} % les symboles pour les listes



\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true,citestyle=verbose-trad2,bibstyle=authoryear,strict,citepages=omit,idemtracker=false,loccittracker=false,pagetracker=true,opcittracker=false,dashed=false,autopunct=true, ibidpage=true,maxcitenames=2, maxbibnames=3, isbn=false,sorting=nyt]{biblatex} 

 url = {en ligne},


pages = {pp \adddot},

%to remove the In from the references
 test {\ifentrytype{article}}%
 test {\ifentrytype{inproceedings}}%
 %\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first}%last name first then first only 
  forending references
 \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} % for both
 \renewcommand*{\revsdnamepunct}{} % enlever la virgule après le nom

  %ibid, opcit....
    {\iffirstonpage% NEW
       {\usebibmacro{cite:name}% NEW
        \usebibmacro{cite:title}}% NEW
    % \usebibmacro{cite:save}}% DELETED
    \usebibmacro{cite:save}}}% NEW

%volume in biblio and citation
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{Vol. #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}{\bibstring{number}~#1}%prefixes for 
  number journal

%newline url doi


\usebibmacro{bbx:parunit}% Added

 \usebibmacro{bbx:parunit}% Added

\usebibmacro{bbx:parunit}% Added

%commas as separators
 \setunit*{\addcomma\space}% was: \setunit*{\addspace}
  \setunit{\addcomma\space}}% was: \setunit{\addspace}


 \AtEveryCitekey{\clearfield{doi}} %supprimer doi des citations footnote


  \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={Références bibliographiques}]


title = {Méthodologie de la recherche en sciences de gestion},
author = {Gavard-Perret, Marie-Laure and Gotteland, David and Haon, Christophe and Jolibert, Alain},
pagetotal = {415},
location = {France},
edition = {2\up{e} édition},
publisher = {Pearson},
date = {2012}
title = {Réussir son mémoire ou sa thèse},
author = {Gavard-Perret, Marie-Laure and Gotteland, David and Haon, 
Christophe and Jolibert, Alain},
pagetotal = {300},
location = {France},
publisher = {Pearson},
date = {2012}

