










\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=\textcolor{white}{Key Facts},sharp corners,
boxed title style={arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,boxrule=0pt},
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-6mm,yshifttext=-1mm},colframe=bl,colback=white,boxsep=0pt,width=27pc]
From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing
a+b+c+d\margintext{Rewrite the expression using
fractional and negative indices.}

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing








\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=\textcolor{white}{Key Facts},sharp corners,
boxed title style={arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,boxrule=0pt},
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-6mm,yshifttext=-1mm},colframe=bl,colback=white,boxsep=0pt,width=27pc]
From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing
\tikzmarknode{eq}{a+b+c+d}\margintext[M]{Rewrite the expression using
fractional and negative indices.}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
 \draw[orange!50,thick,-latex] (M) -- (eq.east);

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing










\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=\textcolor{white}{Key Facts},sharp corners,
boxed title style={arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,boxrule=0pt},
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-6mm,yshifttext=-1mm},colframe=bl,colback=white,boxsep=0pt,width=27pc]
From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing
a+b+c+d \tikzmark{eqmark} \margintext{\tikzmark{marginmark}Rewrite the expression using
fractional and negative indices.}

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

From the table it follows that as $x$ gets closer to $1$ from the left side
of $1,$ $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ Similarly, when $x$ gets closer to $1$
from the right side of $1,$ then $f(x)$ gets closer to $3.$ In cases such as
these, we say that limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches to $1$ is $3,$ and we
expresses this by writing

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
 %   \draw[->,red] (pic cs:marginmark) -- (pic cs:eqmark)
     \draw[-stealth,red] ($(pic cs:marginmark)+(-3pt,0)$) -- ($(pic cs:eqmark)+(3pt,4pt)$);
