我有一个 xbar 图表。我使用symbolic y coords
并希望使用 来y tick label as interval
移动条形之间的刻度线。使用数字 y 刻度标签(例如 2010、2011、2012),可以使用y expr=\thisrow{labelcolumn}+0.5
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
x chromepc-rust chromepc-go firefoxpc-rust firefoxpc-go chromemobile-rust
Base64 92.85 80.45 87.91 47.39 84.82
Sort 59.08 -63.30 76.24 32.35 45.22
SHA256 81.58 -17.53 83.74 25.81 92.75
SHA512 97.98 88.61 97.91 92.92 94.74
AES -12.85 30.10 35.62 67.23 24.54
Deflate 47.73 -85.00 11.92 -167.55 32.38
Bild 11.79 -228.30 9.89 -234.62 16.07
Video 29.20 -73.89 62.39 -71.62 72.52
DOM -159.84 -752.46 -138.10 -1734.92 -91.05
axis line style={draw=none},% hide lines
tick style={draw=none},% hide tick lines
xmin = -300,
xbar, % bar chart
y dir=reverse,%reverse y data
y = 18mm,
bar width = 2mm,
/pgf/number format/.cd,%change context to number format
use comma,%use comma instead of point
1000 sep={.},%use point instead of comma
ytick = data,% x-labels = x-column
extra x ticks = 0,% tick line at position
extra x tick labels = ,
extra x tick style = { grid = major },% add grid line for x tick
y tick label as interval,
enlarge y limits = {abs=16mm}, % space between border and outer bars origin
symbolic y coords = {Base64, Sort, SHA256, SHA512, AES, Deflate, Bild, Video, DOM},% Use as x values
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=0,print sign]\pgfplotspointmeta~\%}, % values above bars
nodes near coords always on top/.style={
% a new feature since 1.9: allows to place markers absolutely:
positive value/.style={
at={(axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x},\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y})},
% draw, % <-- for debugging only, to check if placement is correct
negative value/.style={
at={(axis cs:0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y})},
% draw, % <-- for debugging only, to check if placement is correct
every node near coord/.append style={
check values/.code={%
% AH : our condition 'y < #1' is met.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/negative value}%
% ok, proceed as usual.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/positive value}%
check values,
nodes near coords always on top,
ymajorgrids = true,
legend pos = outer north east,
legend cell align={left},
reverse legend,
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black!33, area legend] table[x=chromemobile-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=MediumTurquoise!50, area legend] table[x=firefoxpc-go, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black!66, area legend] table[x=firefoxpc-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=MediumTurquoise, area legend] table[x=chromepc-go, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black, area legend] table[x=chromepc-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\legend{ChromePC Rust, ChromePC Go, FirefoxPC Rust, FirefoxPC Go, ChromeMobile Rust}
为了在组之间形成网格,您只需使用小刻度而不是大刻度,即可minor tick num=1
x chromepc-rust chromepc-go firefoxpc-rust firefoxpc-go chromemobile-rust
Base64 92.85 80.45 87.91 47.39 84.82
Sort 59.08 -63.30 76.24 32.35 45.22
SHA256 81.58 -17.53 83.74 25.81 92.75
SHA512 97.98 88.61 97.91 92.92 94.74
AES -12.85 30.10 35.62 67.23 24.54
Deflate 47.73 -85.00 11.92 -167.55 32.38
Bild 11.79 -228.30 9.89 -234.62 16.07
Video 29.20 -73.89 62.39 -71.62 72.52
DOM -159.84 -752.46 -138.10 -1734.92 -91.05
axis line style={draw=none},% hide lines
tick style={draw=none},% hide tick lines
xmin = -300,
xbar, % bar chart
y dir=reverse,%reverse y data
y = 18mm,
bar width = 2mm,
/pgf/number format/.cd,%change context to number format
use comma,%use comma instead of point
1000 sep={.},%use point instead of comma
ytick = data,% x-labels = x-column
extra x ticks = 0,% tick line at position
extra x tick labels = ,
extra x tick style = { grid = major },% add grid line for x tick
y tick label as interval,
enlarge y limits = {abs=16mm}, % space between border and outer bars origin
symbolic y coords = {Base64, Sort, SHA256, SHA512, AES, Deflate, Bild, Video, DOM},% Use as x values
nodes near coords={\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=0,print sign]\pgfplotspointmeta~\%}, % values above bars
nodes near coords always on top/.style={
% a new feature since 1.9: allows to place markers absolutely:
positive value/.style={
at={(axis cs:\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/x},\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y})},
% draw, % <-- for debugging only, to check if placement is correct
negative value/.style={
at={(axis cs:0,\pgfkeysvalueof{/data point/y})},
% draw, % <-- for debugging only, to check if placement is correct
every node near coord/.append style={
check values/.code={%
% AH : our condition 'y < #1' is met.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/negative value}%
% ok, proceed as usual.
\pgfkeysalso{/pgfplots/positive value}%
check values,
nodes near coords always on top,
yminorgrids = true,minor tick num=1,
legend pos = outer north east,
legend cell align={left},
reverse legend,
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black!33, area legend] table[x=chromemobile-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=MediumTurquoise!50, area legend] table[x=firefoxpc-go, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black!66, area legend] table[x=firefoxpc-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=MediumTurquoise, area legend] table[x=chromepc-go, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\addplot[draw=none, fill=black, area legend] table[x=chromepc-rust, y=x] {\mytableBaseA};
\legend{ChromePC Rust, ChromePC Go, FirefoxPC Rust, FirefoxPC Go, ChromeMobile Rust}
您可能需要移动刻度标签,例如,yticklabel style={yshift=-1cm}