biblatex 使用 \citeauthor 的引用键不明确

biblatex 使用 \citeauthor 的引用键不明确

根据在 biblatex 中使用“et al.”时,限制为一位作者biblatex 将通过扩展作者列表来确保引用关键字的唯一性。

在我的文档中,我使用默认样式。当我使用\citeauthorbiblatex 时,即使作者列表不是唯一的,它也会始终将作者列表截断为 1 个。有没有办法确保 biblatex 使用与提到的帖子中相同的行为\citeauthor




% These options are based on a template
\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{backref=false,backrefstyle=three+,url=true,urldate=comp,abbreviate=false,maxcitenames=2,maxbibnames=20, uniquelist=true}


  author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and C},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},
  author = {Author, A. and Duthor, D. and E},
  year = {2001},
  title = {And now for something completely different},



According to \citeauthor{ABC01}  fact xy is true \cite{ABC01}.
However, \citeauthor{ADE01} mentions that there is some uncertainty \cite{ADE01}.



结果: 作者名单不明确


选项uniquelist=true,(您的示例已加载)旨在使姓名列表(包括 打印的姓名列表\citeauthor)唯一。不幸的是,Biber 2.13 中有一个错误,如果未设置,它将无法uniquelist正常工作。请参阅uniquename。此错误将在下一个 Biber 版本中得到解决。



\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric
  maxcitenames=2, uniquelist=true, uniquename=true]{biblatex}

  author = {Author, A. and Buthor, B. and C},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},
  author = {Author, A. and Duthor, D. and E},
  year = {2001},
  title = {And now for something completely different},

According to \citeauthor{ABC01}  fact xy is true \cite{ABC01}.
However, \citeauthor{ADE01} mentions that there is some uncertainty \cite{ADE01}.


根据作者 Buthor 等人的说法,事实 xy 是正确的 [1]。然而,作者 Duthor 等人提到存在一些不确定性 [2]。
