


% make it a modern package - BPG
\ProvidesPackage{USCthesis}[2003/07/16 v3.2]

%% Declare the dissertation style
\typeout{Dissertation/thesis package USCthesis Version 3.2 as
          of 16 July 2003}

%% the following option-parsing code is changed to conform to the LaTeX2e
%% package interface - BPG

%%  Define style option flags
  \thesisfalse   % Default
\DeclareOption{thesis} {

\DeclareOption{final} {
  \proposalfalse        % Default
\DeclareOption{proposal} {

\DeclareOption{copyright} {
\DeclareOption{nocopyright} {

\DeclareOption{fussy} {
  \fussy                         % Default
\DeclareOption{sloppy} {

\DeclareOption{flushbottom} {
  \flushbottomtrue                         % Default
\DeclareOption{raggedbottom} {

\DeclareOption{opref} {
\DeclareOption{clref} {
  \def\ds@clref{\openbibfalse}         % Default

\DeclareOption{techreport} {
  \@techreporttrue                   %   the option is present, but
  \xdef\@optionfiles{%                   still add to the \@optionfiles
    \@optionfiles                    %   list.
    \@elt techreport.sty\relax

% set the defaults

%% Define the Layout adjustment commands.  Initialization of values is
%% made after loading the report style.
  \global \topmargin #1             % Nominal distance from page top to
  \global\advance \topmargin -1.0 true in} %   top of boxwith running head.

  \@ifnextchar [%

    %% Values for two-sided printing: (1/2 inch gutter margin)
    \global \oddsidemargin #2          % Left margin on odd-numbered pages.
    \global\advance \oddsidemargin -1.0 true in
    \global \evensidemargin #2         % Left margin on even-numbered pages.
    \global\advance \evensidemargin -1.5 true in
    \global\advance \evensidemargin #1 % Adjustment for fine-tuning gutter
                                       %   margin
       \typeout{Warning: Thesis/Dissertation should be
                           printed on one side only.}
    %% Values for one-sided printing:
    \global \oddsidemargin #2
    \global\advance \oddsidemargin -1.0 true in
    \global \evensidemargin \oddsidemargin

% \footheight disappears in LaTeX2e (it was never used in 2.09 anyway).  as
% such, \pageheight now takes just one arg and doesn't manipulate \footheight
%    - BPG
  %\global \footheight #1%
  %\global \textheight #2%
  %\global\advance \textheight -\footheight}
\def\pageheight#1{\global \textheight #1}

\def\pagewidth#1{\global \textwidth #1}

\def\pagemargin#1{\global \footskip #1\baselineskip}

%% Let the user declare the document to be of \documentclass{report},
%% then \usepackage{USCthesis} -BPG

%% Modify Penalties
\brokenpenalty 10000       % Disallow page breaks at hyphens (this
               % will give some underfull vbox's, so an
               % alternative is to use \brokenpenalty=100
               % and manually search for and fix such page
               % breaks)
\clubpenalty 10000         % Disallow club (orphan) lines
\displaywidowpenalty 10000 % Disallow widow lines before display
\widowpenalty 10000        % Disallow widow lines

%% Disallow x- or -xx breaks.  But if used in an old TeX, we will just
%% have to do without and hope for the best.

%% Set the Page Style Parameters
\@addtoreset{equation}{chapter}   % Have the equation reset in each chapter
\headheight 0.0 true pt           % Height of box containing running head
\headsep    0.0 true pt           % Size of strut between head and text
\topskip   10.0 true pt           % Baselineskip for the first line of page
\itemsep    0.0 true pt           % Extra vertical space, in addition to
                                  %   \parskip, added between list items

\pagetop{1.1 true in}    % 1 inch plus allowance
\pageleft{1.6 true in}   % 1.5 inches plus allowance
\pageheight{8.5 true in} % 9 inches minus allowance
\pagewidth{5.85 true in}  % 6 inches minus allowance
\pagemargin{2.0}          % Number of (unstretched) lines
                          % between text and page number

\setstretch{2.0}          % get "real" double spacing?


%% Redefine some font sizes so that things don't get too big.

%% Redefine plain style page to move the page number to the lower
%% right corner.

%% Define Title Page Macros
%% \title and \author is defined in latex.tex, but we will need to
%% redefine \title to allow the optional argument.  Also, the \thanks
%% command is disabled and such footnotes will be thrown away or will
%% appear in the wrong place.
  \@ifnextchar [%


%% The \addvolumecontents will add the contents of other volumes to
%% the current volume. This command should be placed after the
%% \begin{document} for earlier volumes and before the \end{document}
%% for later ones.
      \let\thesisinput=\@gobble % Inhibit recursive \thesisinput's

  \@ifnextchar [%

      \def\protect##1{\string\string\string##1\string\space \space}%
          \string\@writefile{#1}{\protect \thesisinput{#2.#1}}}}%

%%  The \startingpagenumber command will change the default starting
%%  page number for the first (title) page of the current volume and
%%  for the first page after the preface section.


%% The following flag is used to suppress the major field name on the
%% title page when the default school is changed (only the GRADUATE
%% SCHOOL currently uses a major field).  Setting \majorfield after
%% \schoolname will reset the flag and allow the printing of another
%% school with a major field in addition.


\def\@schoolname{GRADUATE SCHOOL}

\def\@mastersdegree{MASTER OF SCIENCE}
\def\@doctorsdegree{DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY}

\def\@majorfield{Electrical Engineering}


  \ifcase \the\month
    \or January%
    \or February%
    \or March%
    \or April%
    \or May%
    \or June%
    \or July%
    \or August%
    \or September%
    \or October%
    \or November%
    \or December%
  \number \the\year}

%% December dissertations should have the next year as the copyright year
\ifnum \month=12
  \advance\@tempcnta by 1
  \edef\@copyrightyear{\number \the\@tempcnta}
  \def\@copyrightyear{\number \the\year}

%% Create the PREFACE environment.  The titlepage is generated when
%% the environment is first entered and the numbering is roman within
%% the preface.  The \endpreface switches to arabic numbering.
      \addtocounter{page}{\@startpageA}% Advance page counter for title page.
      \addtocounter{page}{\@startpageA}% Advance page counter for (signature
    \fi                                %   and) title.  At USC, the signature
 \newpage                              %   page is not counted!
    \ifx\@volume\@empty\else % Add Volume ID to contents if present.

%% Define the PROPOSAL title page
    \vskip 60.0 true pt%          To adjust centering.
      {\Large \@title \par}%      Set title in \Large size.
        \vskip 3em%               Vertical space before volume.
      \vskip 3em%                 Vertical space after title.
        {Masters Thesis Proposal}%
        {Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal}%
      {submitted by}%
      \vskip 3em                % Vertical space before author.
      {\lineskip .75em
      \vskip 1.5cm              % Vertical space before date.
      \vskip 1.5in
      {{\bf Qualifying Exam Committee}\\*[1.0 true cm]%

%% Make the Dissertation titlepage
  \large  % title page should be 11pt or 12pt.  this should do.
      {\@title \par}%         Set title the same size as "FACULTY OF ..."
        \vskip 0.16 true in
      \vskip 0.5 true in
      \vskip 0.5 true in
      {\begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\\*[.66 true in]%
       \rule{5.0 true in}{0.025 true in}
      \vskip 1.0 true in
        A Thesis Presented to the%
        A Dissertation Presented to the%
      \fi\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      FACULTY OF THE \@schoolname\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      \@university\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      In Partial Fulfillment of the\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      Requirements for the Degree\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      \fi\\%*[0.1 true in]%
      \fi\\%*[1.0 true cm]%
      \vskip 0.75 true in
      \@submitdate%   should be just month and year
          \noindent Copyright~ \@copyrightyear \hfill \@author

%% Start a Preface Page
\prefacetopspace=1.0 true in

  \@ifnextchar [%



%% Make the Table of Contents and Figures/Tables pages
  \@ifnextchar [%
    {\@starspeciallist{toc}[Table of Contents]}

    {\@ifnextchar [%
       {\@starspeciallist{lot}[List Of Tables]}}%
    {\@ifnextchar [%
       {\@speciallist{lot}[List Of Tables]}}}

    {\@ifnextchar [%
       {\@starspeciallist{lof}[List Of Figures]}}%
    {\@ifnextchar [%
       {\@speciallist{lof}[List Of Figures]}}}

% redefine commands used to generate entries in lof and lot, in order to make
% them singlespace within each entry (leaving doublespace between entries)



%% Redefine the report.sty chapter definitions to suppress hyphenation
%% in the titles.
  {\parindent 0pt
   \hyphenpenalty 10000%
   \ifnum \c@secnumdepth > \m@ne
     \Large\bf \@chapapp{} \thechapter\par
     \vskip 20pt
   \Large\bf #1\par
   \vskip 40pt}
  \hyphenpenalty 50}

  {\parindent 0pt
   \hyphenpenalty 10000%
   \Large\bf #1\par
   \vskip 40pt}
  \hyphenpenalty 50}

%% Redefine the report.sty section definitions.  The \@startsection
%% command takes the arguments:
%%       {Name}{Level}{Indent}{BeforeSkip}{AfterSkip}{Style}
%% ABS(BeforeSkip) == amount to skip; if (BeforeSkip < 0), suppress
%% the par indent of the text following the heading.
%% ABS(AfterSkip) == amount to skip; if (AfterSkip < 0), make the
%% following text "run-in" after the heading.
%% Also new section takes a `*' which suppress the section counting,
%% and if the `*' is not present an optional [Altheading]{heading}
%% pair.

% also, redefine the \chapter command in order to remove the inter-chapter
% spacing that is normally added to the LOF and LOT
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
                                   {Chapter \protect\numberline{\thechapter:}#1}%
                      \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Chapter: #1}%

\def\section{\@startsection{section}%                    Name
            {1}%                                         Level
            {\z@}%                                       Indent
            {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%              BeforeSkip
            {2.3ex plus .2ex}%                           AfterSkip
            {\Large\bf\hyphenpenalty 10000}}%            Style

\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}%              Name
               {2}%                                      Level
               {\z@}%                                    Indent
               {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%           BeforeSkip
               {1.5ex plus .2ex}%                        AfterSkip
               {\large\bf\hyphenpenalty 10000}}%         Style

\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}%        Name
                  {3}%                                   Level
                  {\z@}%                                 Indent
                  {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%        BeforeSkip
                  {1.5ex plus .2ex}%                     AfterSkip
                  {\normalsize\bf\hyphenpenalty 10000}}% Style

\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}%                Name
              {4}%                                       Level
              {\z@}%                                     Indent
              {3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}%              BeforeSkip
              {-1em}%                                    AfterSkip
              {\normalsize\bf\hyphenpenalty 10000}}%     Style

\def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}%          Name
                 {4}%                                    Level
                 {\parindent}%                           Indent
                 {3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}%           BeforeSkip
                 {-1em}%                                 AfterSkip
                 {\normalsize\bf\hyphenpenalty 10000}}%  Style

%% The value of the counter secnumdepth gives the depth of the
%% highest-level sectioning command that is to produce section
%% numbers.

%% Redefine the report.sty `Bibliography' as a `Reference List' chapter.
\def\bibliographystyle#1{%   But first, turn off standard bib commands.
  \@latexerr{\string\bibliographystyle\space is undefined.
         Use \string\references{#1}{bibfile list}}\@eha}
  \@latexerr{\string\bibliography\space is undefined.
         Use \string\references{bibstyle}{#1}}\@eha}


  \@ifnextchar [%
    {\@referencesAA[Reference List]}}%


  \@ifnextchar [
    {\@referencesBB[Reference List]}}


\def\@referencesname{Reference List}

    \leftmargin\labelwidth   \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
      \listparindent -1.5em
      \parsep 0pt%
    \@rightskip\@flushglue   \rightskip\@rightskip
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}%


%% The \appendix command must do the following:
%%    -- reset the chapter counter to zero
%%    -- set \@chapapp to Appendix (for messages)
%%    -- redefine the chapter counter to produce appendix numbers
%%    -- reset the section counter to zero
%%    -- redefine the \chapter command if appendix titles and headings
%%       are to look different from chapter titles and headings.
%% For USC, the Appendix appears VERY oddly in the table of contents.
      \protect\contentsline{chapter}{Appendix \thechapter}{\relax}}
    %\addtocontents{lof}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}}% Adds between-chapter space
    %\addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}}% to lists of figs & tables.
    \else \@makechapterhead{##2}
      \@afterheading                             % Routine called after chap
    \fi}}                                        %   and section heading.

%%  Define the `saying' environment
%%  Used to set a cutesy little quotation at the start of the chapter


%% Define the starting pagestyle


% [options] can be any of these default/alternative flag:
%   dissertation/thesis, final/proposal, copyright/nocopyright,
%   fussy/sloppy, flushbottom/raggedbottom, clref/opref.
\begin{section}{1.4 Notion of a Solution}
This is just a test to see if it's doing what I think it's doing.
    2 + 2 =& 4\\
    1 +87 =& 88
I'm now going to add a little more text. Maybe another new equation line. Something simple like the above
    99 + 101 = 200.


% [options] can be any of these default/alternative flag:
%   dissertation/thesis, final/proposal, copyright/nocopyright,
%   fussy/sloppy, flushbottom/raggedbottom, clref/opref.
\begin{section}{1.4 Notion of a Solution}
This is just a test to see if it's doing what I think it's doing.
    2 + 2 =& 4\\
    1 +87 =& 88
I'm now going to add a little more text. Maybe another new equation line. Something simple like the above
    99 + 101 = 200.
There's still about half of a page left. But now I want a "long" stream of aligned equations that will likely bleed onto the next page, but then it's going to add a bunch of white space up top
    1 =&1\\

