

需要创建带阴影的框环绕列表,而不影响列表样式,框可能来自子列表和子子列表,有没有办法像附图那样修复,在我的书中有数千个带有阴影框的列表,我们需要自动化解决方案:在此处输入图片描述 请查看 MWE:


\item[1.] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[2.] Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[3.] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[4.] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)

\item[\textbullet] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[\textbullet] Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[\textbullet] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to address preparation and presentation of information and pressure to breach the fundamental principles, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 1 (sections 220 and 270); and
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to the provisions pertaining to the offering and accepting of inducements, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 2 (sections 250 and 340).


我或多或少是在抄袭这个答案。为了有框,您需要\StartBox在框开始的行和\EndBox结束的行中放置 。它支持分页符。您最多需要编译三次。

\tikzset{SimpleBox/.style={fill=gray,fill opacity=0.3}}


  \stepcounter{tmp}%from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/52579/121799
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\tikz[remember picture,overlay, baseline=(End.base)]{%
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   \begin{scope}[on background layer,blend mode=multiply]
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\item[1.] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[2.] \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[3.] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[4.] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)

\item[\textbullet] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[\textbullet]  \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[\textbullet] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to address preparation and presentation of information and pressure to breach the fundamental principles, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 1 (sections 220 and 270); and
\item[\textbullet] \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to the offering and accepting of inducements, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 2 (sections 250 and 340).
\item[\textbullet] Hibernation is very important.
\item[\textbullet] Honey liquor is also important.\EndBox

\item[1.] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[2.] \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[3.] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[4.] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)

\item[\textbullet] Structural and drafting enhancements developed under the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Structure of the Code project;

\item[\textbullet]  \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to safeguards in the Code, developed under the IESBA Safeguards project;
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to clarify the applicability of the provisions in Part C of the extant Code to members in public practice, developed under the IESBA Applicability project (paragraphs R120.4, R300.5 and 300.5 A1);
\item[\textbullet] New application material relating to professional skepticism and professional judgment, developed under the IESBA Professional Skepticism (short-term) project (paragraphs 120.5 A1, 120.5 A2, 120.5 A3, 120.13 A1 and 120.13 A2)
\item[\textbullet] Revisions to address preparation and presentation of information and pressure to breach the fundamental principles, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 1 (sections 220 and 270); and
\item[\textbullet] \StartBox Revisions to the provisions pertaining to the offering and accepting of inducements, developed under the IESBA Part C project - Phase 2 (sections 250 and 340).
\item[\textbullet] Hibernation is very important.
\item[\textbullet] Honey liquor is also important.\EndBox

