星形图 x 和 y 坐标问题

星形图 x 和 y 坐标问题

我可以\grComplete在 tikzpicture 中放置多个 s,并将它们很好地隔开。但是当我尝试对 执行相同操作时\grStar,它不起作用。我做错了什么?这是一个最小示例。




These complete graphs are spread out nicely.

  \node[align=center] at (0,0.5) {$K_1$};
  \node[align=center] at (3,0.5) {$K_2$};
  \node[align=center] at (6,1.5) {$K_3$};
  \node[align=center] at (9,1.5) {$K_4$};
  \node[align=center] at (12,1.5) {$K_5$};

This is supposed to be 5 star graphs, but they are not spread out.

  \node[align=center] at (0,0.5) {$S_1$};
  \node[align=center] at (3,0.5) {$S_2$};
  \node[align=center] at (6,1.5) {$S_3$};
  \node[align=center] at (9,1.5) {$S_4$};
  \node[align=center] at (12,1.5) {$S_5$};


结果如下: 乳胶输出






These complete graphs are spread out nicely.

  \node at (0,0.5) {$K_1$};
  \node at (3,0.5) {$K_2$};
  \node at (6,1.5) {$K_3$};
  \node at (9,1.5) {$K_4$};
  \node at (12,1.5) {$K_5$};

This is supposed to be 5 star graphs, and they are now also spread out nicely.

  \node at (0,0.5) {$S_1$};
  \node at (3,0.5) {$S_2$};
  \node at (6,1.5) {$S_3$};
  \node at (9,1.5) {$S_4$};
  \node at (12,1.5) {$S_5$};


