

\usepackage{pgf, tikz}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, automata}

We use the notation \textcolor{red}{$\mathcal{P}(k,s,t)$} to denote the tree on $k+1$ vertices obtained from the path 
$P:=[x_0,x_{1}\ldots,x_{k-s-t}]$ on $k-s-t+1$ vertices by adding $s$ pendant vertices adjacent to 
the vertex $x_0$ and $t$ pendant vertices adjacent to the vertex $x_{k-s-t}$ of $P$. 


\rput[l](-3.5,1){$s$ vertices $\Bigg\{$}
\rput[l](5.6,1){$\Bigg\} t$ vertices}

\caption{The graph $\mathcal{P}(k,s,t)$}\label{pkst}



In this slide I am trying to put the figure in side the slide. But it goes outside. How can we do that?
