mdframed 和 tabularx 之间的空格

mdframed 和 tabularx 之间的空格



我需要 MWE 中呈现的颜色和线条格式,因此我使用了 tabularx,但我也愿意接受其他解决方案。

从此图上可以看出间距不连贯。 MWE 输出

这是 MWE:



\renewcommand*\oldstylenums[1]{{\fontfamily{Montserrat-TOsF}\selectfont #1}}




        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}m{2cm}!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}S{X}!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}}
            \arrayrulecolor{red} \hline
            ID &  Title of the frame \\\hline%
        \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}*3{Y}!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}}
            \arrayrulecolor{red} \hline
            \rowcolor{lightgray}  1 &  2 & 3\\ \hline
    \begin{mdframed}[style=MyFrame, frametitle={Title} ]
            Here we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long tere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the table

            Here we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long tere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the tableHere we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the table
        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}S{X}!{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}}  
            \arrayrulecolor{red} \hline
                \textbf{Test:} {John Doe}
                \\ \hline
    \begin{mdframed}[style=MyFrame, frametitle={Information} ]      
        Here we will have a long text, possibly more paragraphs that needs to fit in the table
