我正在使用此处提供的 Elsevier 模板撰写论文https://www.ctan.org/pkg/els-cas-templates/。我不知道如何添加数学科目分类。我目前正在写的工作看起来像这样
%%%Author macros
\shorttitle{Ordering of matrices by precede operator}
\shortauthors{Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad and Tahir Ahmad}
\title [mode = title]{Ordering of matrices by precede operator}
\author[1]{Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad}[type=editor,
\ead{[email protected]}
\address[1]{Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia}
\author[2]{Tahir Ahmad}
\ead{[email protected]}
\address[2]{Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia}
\cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
\cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author}
We investigated partial orders on a set of real square matrices and introduced a new order relation based on several function compositions. We also established some results as the consequences of the new partial order on square matrices and symmetric matrices.
Matrix partial order \sep Precede partial order \sep Symmetric matrices
\section{Introduction and Motivation}
我想要像这样添加 MSC(突出显示):
\MSC 15A09 \sep 15A57 \sep 15A24
Matrix partial order \sep Precede partial order \sep Symmetric matrices
%% keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword
%% PACS codes here, in the form: \PACS code \sep code
%% MSC codes here, in the form: \MSC code \sep code
%% or \MSC[2008] code \sep code (2000 is the default)