土耳其语中无点 i 显示为数字

土耳其语中无点 i 显示为数字

在 CV 课程 fortyseconds 中,编译文档时,无点 i 存在问题,显示为 5。我正在使用 Chrome 在 Overleaf 网站上编译该文档。






%   showframes,
%   maincolor=cvgreen,
%   sectioncolor=red,
%   subsectioncolor=orange
%   sidebarwidth=0.4\paperwidth,
%   topbottommargin=0.03\paperheight,
%   leftrightmargin=20pt

% improve word spacing and hyphenation

% take care of proper font encoding
%   \usepackage{fontspec}
%   \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX}
%\newfontfamily\headingfont[Path = fonts/]{segoeuib.ttf} % local font
%\usepackage[sfdefault]{noto} % use noto google font

% enable mathematical syntax for some symbols like \varnothing

% bubble diagram configuration
  % defaut font size is \large, so adjust to harmonize with sidebar layout
  bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
  bubble node font = \footnotesize,
  % default: 4cm/2.5cm; make minimum diameter relative to sidebar size
  bubble center node size = 0.4\sidebartextwidth,
  bubble node size = 0.25\sidebartextwidth,
  distance center/other bubbles = 1.5em,
  % set center bubble color
  bubble center node color = maincolor!70,
  % define the list of colors usable in the diagram
  set color list = {maincolor!10, maincolor!40,
  maincolor!20, maincolor!60, maincolor!35},
  % sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
  bubble fill opacity = 0.8,

%                            PERSONAL INFORMATION
% profile picture
% your name
% job title/career
\cvjobtitle{Panda Scientist,\\[0.2em] Panda of the Year}
% date of birth
\cvbirthday{Mar 7, 2019}
% short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvaddress{Park Ave.~1, 555 555 B-Woods}
% phone number
\cvphone{+86 555 555 555}
% personal website
% email address
\cvmail{[email protected]}
% pgp key
% add additional information
% \newcommand{\additional}{some more?}

% add more profile sections to sidebar on first page
    % include gosquare national flags from https://github.com/gosquared/flags;
    % naming according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


%                         TABLE ENTRIES RIGHT COLUMN


\cvsection{Working Experience}
    \cvitem{currently}{CEO The Panda Way}{Start Up}{Chief executive officer, Head
    developer and yoga ambassador of 'The Panda Way' - A company for pandas from
    pandas that invents, advertises and distributes panda-related content all
    over the world.}
    \cvitem{2015 -- 2018}{Panda Scientist}{Bamboo University}{
        Reasearching the impact of adequate bamboo nutrition compared to
        conventional feeding methods.}
    \cvitem{2010 -- 2015}{Bamboo Broker}{Stock Exchange}{Continuously achieving 
        better bamboo bangs for the buck.}






TeX Live 2018 有一个错误版本,它会不幸地将smartdiagram.sty的含义改为。\i5

Overleaf 使用 TeX Live 2018,因此存在缺陷smartdiagram


  1. 避免smartdiagram

  2. 从 CTAN下载smartdiagram.sty并使用与您的项目位于同一文件夹中的修复版本。

  3. \i保存加载前的含义smartdiagram,并在加载后恢复

