我正在使用特定于大学的文档类型,因此希望下面的 MWE 可以使用普通文档样式。
head=2.5cm, bmargin=2cm]{geometry}
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, chains, fit, backgrounds, calc, decorations.pathreplacing, matrix}
\usepackage[inline, shortlabels]{enumitem}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw, align=center, arrow/.style={thick, -stealth}]
\node[rectangle, fill=white] (PSRW) {One \\ two three \\ four five \\ six};
\node [right, single arrow, inner sep = 10pt, minimum height=1cm, rotate=-45, above left = of PSRW, xshift=1cm, yshift=-.3cm] (NW) {};
\cat[scale=0.6, above right = of PSRW, xshift=10cm, yshift=0cm] (ACat) {};
\mouse[scale=0.5, above right = of PSRW, xshift=13.5cm, yshift=0cm] (AMouse) {};
\node[draw=none, text width=2cm, above right = of PSRW, xshift = 6cm, yshift=-2.5cm] (Imp) {Seven \\ Eight \\ Nine \\ Ten \\ Eleven};
\node[draw=none, text width=2.5cm, below = 3cm of PSRW] (SC) {Twelve \\ Thirteen};
% lines here omitted for brevity
\node[draw=none, text width=1cm, above right = of SC, xshift=1cm, yshift=-.8cm] (TI) {Twelve, \\ thirteen};
\caption{Horrible part diagram of hand drawn one}
问题是我需要画一个箭从鼠标的左侧开始,穿过 PSRW 矩形的右下角,并连接到 TI 框的西北。我想使用相对于 PRSW 框内部右下角的坐标系。我想我的主管可能不喜欢我的小图像,所以那里的细节可能会发生变化,我不想重写一堆坐标来处理任何变化。
\draw[arrow] ([xshift=-3cm]Imp.west) to [bend right, looseness=2] (TI.west);
由于学术付费墙,我无法展示我试图复制的实际(手写)图表。但如果你们中有谁可以访问 Peter Checkland 关于软系统方法论的著作,我会尝试使用 Tikz 复制他的双流图。
\draw[thick,-stealth] plot[smooth] coordinates
{([yshift=3mm,xshift=-1mm]tikzlings.south west) ([xshift=-1mm,yshift=1mm]PSRW.south east) (TI.north west)};
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw, align=center, arrow/.style={thick, -stealth}]
\node[rectangle, fill=white] (PSRW) {One \\ two three \\ four five \\ six};
\node[single arrow, inner sep = 10pt, minimum height=1cm, rotate=-45, above
left =9mm and 4mm of PSRW.north west,anchor=north] (NW) {};
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=tikzlings]
\cat[scale=0.6, above right = of PSRW, xshift=10cm, yshift=0cm] (ACat) {};
\mouse[scale=0.5, above right = of PSRW, xshift=13.5cm, yshift=0cm] (AMouse) {};
\node[draw=none, text width=2cm, above right = of PSRW, xshift = 6cm, yshift=-2.5cm] (Imp) {Seven \\ Eight \\ Nine \\ Ten \\ Eleven};
\node[draw=none, text width=2.5cm, below = 3cm of PSRW] (SC) {Twelve \\ Thirteen};
\node[draw=none, text width=1cm, above right = of SC, xshift=1cm, yshift=-.8cm] (TI) {Twelve, \\ thirteen};
\draw[thick,-stealth] plot[smooth] coordinates
{([yshift=3mm,xshift=-1mm]tikzlings.south west) ([xshift=-1mm,yshift=1mm]PSRW.south east) (TI.north west)};