使用 OverLeaf
我想在页眉的右上角添加一个徽标。距离右边缘 1 厘米。在页脚中距离左边缘 1 厘米处添加一段文本。我尝试使用 rhead。但我对 LaTex 还很陌生,这对新手来说太花哨了。右侧的蓝色边框必须保留。
\usepackage{tikz} % you know what this does!
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % put things headers and footers and we plan misuse it ;)
%\setlength\headheight{26pt} %% just to make warning go away. Adjust the value after looking into the warning.
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\fill [color=maxlink] (current page.north west) rectangle
($ (current page.south west) + (0.4cm,0cm) $);
\pagestyle{mypage} % activate colored margins
%\pagestyle{mypage} % activate colored margins
我不需要使用 tikz 和 fancy head 来制作边框,我刚刚在 如何为某些页面设置彩色边距