Chead 和 Cfoot 中的错误

Chead 和 Cfoot 中的错误


LaTeX 错误:命令 \chead 已定义。或名称 \end... 非法,请参阅手册第 192 页。/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty,第 101 行

LaTeX 错误:命令 \cfoot 已定义。或名称 \end... 非法,请参阅手册第 192 页。/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty,第 107 行


% package for including graphics with figure-environment
% package for bibliography
% package for header


    \title {
    \large{\bfseries Masgy \\ (ggg SS16)}\\
    \Huge \textbf{ker (PT) \\}


    % if you are the only author, you might use the following
    \author{\textbf {Submitted by: ad}} 

    % name of the course and module
    \textbf {Master Thesis} \\ 
    \large \textbf {Referees:} \\
    \large Prof. D\\
    \large Prof. D.\\
    \large \textbf {Developed at:} \\
    \large B\
    \large \textbf {Supervisors:} \\
    \large Dipl.-Ing. r\\
    \large Dipl.-Ing. aa\\

I, hereby declare that I have authored this thesis independently, that I have
not used other than the declared sources, and that I have explicitly marked all materials which has
been quoted either literally or by content from the used sources. I furthermore declare that this
thesis has not been submitted to any other board of examiners yet.
v, January 5, 2020
    \cfoot{ }
    hi, how are you
    \cfoot{ }
    \cfoot{ }

\section{Introduction} % (fold)
interactive proofs and secure computation, among others.\cite{waghmarehistory}

\section{Historical Background} % (fold)
to spies in "secret writing".\cite{waghmarehistory}

\section{End to End Encryption} % (fold)

from the cryptographic community.\cite{isobe2018breaking}

\subsection{Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)} % (fold)
OpenPGP .\cite{pgpcreator}


    \bibliography{references} % expects file "references.bib"




因此,您的解决方案是仅使用(如果您使用类或或,scrlayer-scrpage我建议您这样做)。 因为您正在使用类,所以我建议使用包。scrartclscrreprtscrbookarticlefancyhdr

因此,请仔细查看以下 MWE,其中我评论了您所有错误使用的命令,并添加了一些带有注释的新命令,例如% <=======带有或不带有解释...



\usepackage{showframe} % <===== to visualize typing area and margins ===
% package for including graphics with figure-environment
% package for bibliography
% package for header
%\usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage} % <============================
%\KOMAoptions{headsepline=.4pt:head} % <================================


\pagenumbering{roman} % <===============================================
\pagestyle{empty} % <===================================================


\title {
    \large{\bfseries Masgy \\ (ggg SS16)}\\
    \Huge \textbf{ker (PT) \\}


    % if you are the only author, you might use the following
\author{\textbf {Submitted by: ad}} 

    % name of the course and module
    \textbf {Master Thesis} \\ 
    \large \textbf {Referees:} \\
    \large Prof. D\\
    \large Prof. D.\\
    \large \textbf {Developed at:} \\
    \large B\
    \large \textbf {Supervisors:} \\
    \large Dipl.-Ing. r\\
    \large Dipl.-Ing. aa\\

\thispagestyle{empty} % <===============================================
   \pagestyle{plain} % <================================================
I, hereby declare that I have authored this thesis independently, that I have
not used other than the declared sources, and that I have explicitly marked all materials which has
been quoted either literally or by content from the used sources. I furthermore declare that this
thesis has not been submitted to any other board of examiners yet.
v, January 5, 2020
%   \thispagestyle{plain}
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%   \pagenumbering{roman}
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    hi, how are you
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\pagestyle{fancy} % <===================================================
%\setcounter{page}{1} % <===============================================
interactive proofs and secure computation, among others.\cite{waghmarehistory}

\section{Historical Background} % (fold)
to spies in "secret writing".\cite{waghmarehistory}

\section{End to End Encryption} % (fold)

from the cryptographic community.\cite{isobe2018breaking}

\subsection{Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)} % (fold)
OpenPGP .\cite{pgpcreator}


    \bibliography{references} % expects file "references.bib"





