我要解释一个过程的 5 个基本步骤,并决定使用 tikzpicture 来更好地解释它。我有这五张幻灯片,其中包含文本和 tikzpitures。
shadows.blur, shapes.arrows}
My explanation for first box is put here.
My explanation for first box is put here.
My explanation for first box is put here.
My explanation for first box is put here.
My explanation for first box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {Problem Identification
\node (m\j) [box] {\i};
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics
\node (m\j) [box] {\i};
%\draw[arj] (m3) -- (m2);
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning
\node (m\j) [box] {\i};
\draw[arj] (m3) -- (m2);
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning,
Imple\-men\-ta\-tion of Plans
\node (m\j) [box] {\i};
\draw[arj] (m3) -- (m2);
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning,
Imple\-men\-ta\-tion of Plans, De\-ve\-lop\-ment
\node (m\j) [box] {\i};
\draw[arj] (m3) -- (m2);
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
5 次,同时仍然可以获得相同甚至更好的结果?
,因此用 包围节点就足够了\only<\j->{...}
shadows.blur, shapes.arrows}
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \txt [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning,
Imple\-men\-ta\-tion of Plans, De\-ve\-lop\-ment
\only<\j->{\node (m\j) [box] {\txt};}
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
\uncover<\j->{\node (m\j) [box] {\txt};}
shadows.blur, shapes.arrows}
\uncover<1->{My explanation for the first box is put here.}
\uncover<2->{My explanation for the second box is put here.}
\uncover<3->{My explanation for the third box is put here.}
\uncover<4->{My explanation for the fourth box is put here.}
\uncover<5->{My explanation for the fifth box is put here.}
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \txt [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning,
Imple\-men\-ta\-tion of Plans, De\-ve\-lop\-ment
\uncover<\j->{\node (m\j) [box] {\txt};}
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}
My explanation for the first box is put here.
shadows.blur, shapes.arrows}
My explanation for the first box is put here.
My explanation for the second box is put here.
My explanation for the third box is put here.
My explanation for the fourth box is put here.
My explanation for the fifth box is put here.
node distance = 2mm and 7mm,
nodes = {draw, fill=white, blur shadow},
arj/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick,-Straight Barb},
arr/.style = {single arrow, single arrow head extend=1mm,
minimum height=9mm, shape border rotate=90,
node contents={~}},
box/.style = {text width=0.14\linewidth, align=center,inner sep=2pt,
minimum height=12mm, font=\scriptsize,
on chain, join = by arj},
\begin{scope}[start chain = A going right]
\foreach \txt [count=\j] in {
Problem Identification, Statistics, Planning,
Imple\-men\-ta\-tion of Plans, De\-ve\-lop\-ment
\uncover<\j->{\node (m\j) [box] {\txt};}
\caption*{\textit{\textbf{Source:} Self Motivated}}