\noindent{{\bf Estimate: The Boltzmann Law for Levitation}\\
As a first example which is instructive both in the context of how to use
the Boltzmann distribution and in telling us how to think about the energy
scale $k_BT$, we consider
the probability of levitating, by commenting
quantitatively on the probability
that a mass $m$ will levitate to a height $h$.
\index{levitation!and Boltzmann distribution}
Specifically, recall that the gravitational potential energy of a mass $m$ near the surface of the earth is
$PE=mgh$. If we recall the Boltzmann law in the form of equation~\ref{eqn:BoltzmannLaw}
and take as our zero of potential energy the surface of the earth itself, we can compute the probability of an object such as a human or a bacterium levitating to a height
$h$ as
\index{Boltzmann distribution!and levitation}
\index{levitation!Boltzmann distribution and}
as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:Levitation}.
This equation jibes with our intuition
about the drop-off
of atmospheric pressure with height, a phenomenon seen easily on any
sports watch which reports changes in height with 5 m resolution. Effectively,
the altimeter on such a watch is nothing more than a Boltzmann meter,
reporting on precisely the same quantity as computed
in equation~\ref{eqn:LevitationEquation} but instead of using
a mass of 100~kg as for a human, using $5 \times 10^{-26}$~kg
for the typical mass of molecules
in the atmosphere. Ultimately, it is the dimensionless ratio $mgh/k_BT$ that tells us
whether levitation is likely or not. For cases in which this dimensionless number is much
greater than 1, the likelihood of levitation is negligible. By way of contrast,
when this dimensionless number is much smaller than 1, levitation is inevitable.}
使用和 Ti 的解决方案钾Z。
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\textbf{Estimate: The Boltzmann Law for Levitation}\\
As a first example which is instructive both in the context of how to use
the Boltzmann distribution and in telling us how to think about the energy
scale $k_BT$, we consider
the probability of levitating, by commenting
quantitatively on the probability
that a mass $m$ will levitate to a height $h$.
\index{levitation!and Boltzmann distribution}
Specifically, recall that the gravitational potential energy of a mass $m$ near the surface of the earth is
$PE=mgh$. If we recall the Boltzmann law in the form of equation~\ref{eqn:BoltzmannLaw}
and take as our zero of potential energy the surface of the earth itself, we can compute the probability of an object such as a human or a bacterium levitating to a height
$h$ as
\index{Boltzmann distribution!and levitation}
\index{levitation!Boltzmann distribution and}
as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:Levitation}.
This equation jibes with our intuition
about the drop-off
of atmospheric pressure with height, a phenomenon seen easily on any
sports watch which reports changes in height with 5 m resolution. Effectively,
the altimeter on such a watch is nothing more than a Boltzmann meter,
reporting on precisely the same quantity as computed
in equation~\ref{eqn:LevitationEquation} but instead of using
a mass of 100~kg as for a human, using $5 \times 10^{-26}$~kg
for the typical mass of molecules
in the atmosphere. Ultimately, it is the dimensionless ratio $mgh/k_BT$ that tells us
whether levitation is likely or not. For cases in which this dimensionless number is much
greater than 1, the likelihood of levitation is negligible. By way of contrast,
when this dimensionless number is much smaller than 1, levitation is inevitable.
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{\bf Estimate: The Boltzmann Law for Levitation}\\
As a first example which is instructive both in the context of how to use
the Boltzmann distribution and in telling us how to think about the energy
scale $k_BT$, we consider
the probability of levitating, by commenting
quantitatively on the probability
that a mass $m$ will levitate to a height $h$.
\index{levitation!and Boltzmann distribution}
Specifically, recall that the gravitational potential energy of a mass $m$ near the surface of the earth is
$PE=mgh$. If we recall the Boltzmann law in the form of equation~\ref{eqn:BoltzmannLaw}
and take as our zero of potential energy the surface of the earth itself, we can compute the probability of an object such as a human or a bacterium levitating to a height
$h$ as
\index{Boltzmann distribution!and levitation}
\index{levitation!Boltzmann distribution and}
as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:Levitation}.
This equation jibes with our intuition
about the drop-off
of atmospheric pressure with height, a phenomenon seen easily on any
sports watch which reports changes in height with 5 m resolution. Effectively,
the altimeter on such a watch is nothing more than a Boltzmann meter,
reporting on precisely the same quantity as computed
in equation~\ref{eqn:LevitationEquation} but instead of using
a mass of 100~kg as for a human, using $5 \times 10^{-26}$~kg
for the typical mass of molecules
in the atmosphere. Ultimately, it is the dimensionless ratio $mgh/k_BT$ that tells us
whether levitation is likely or not. For cases in which this dimensionless number is much
greater than 1, the likelihood of levitation is negligible. By way of contrast,
when this dimensionless number is much smaller than 1, levitation is inevitable.