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% My pdf code




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% Links in pdf

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pdfauthor="Smita Singhal", 
pdfsubject="Low power cmos design", %subject of the document

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% definitions.
% -------------------


% Some useful commands and shortcut for maths:  partial derivative and stuff

\newcommand{\pd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}

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% Prints your review date and 'Draft Version' (From Josullvn, CS, CMU)
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你好,ssinghal,欢迎来到 TeX-SE。



话虽如此,我还是假设您的ThesisStyle是该类的一些变体book(选项似乎基本相同)。本书class总是使用pagestyle plain章节开始的页面。按您想要的方式定义包含章节的页面的一种简单方法是使用pagestyle plain包修改fancyhdr



MWE 如下:



\pagestyle{headings} % options: fancy, headings, myheadings
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    \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\thepage} % Right Odd, Left Even => Outside
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