




% Font Settings



% Information Boxes
  \node [ annotation, #3, scale=0.9, text width = #1em,
          inner sep = 2mm ] at (#2) {%


  \path[mindmap,concept color=Gainsboro,text=Black]
    node[concept] (CORE) {CS Core}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept] { node[concept] (AI) {AI Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Theory) {Theory Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Systems) {Systems Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Games) {Game Programming Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (SE) {Software Engineering Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (IT) {Internet Technologies Track} }
    \info{CORE.north east}{above,yshift=2em}{
      \item Mathematical Foundations
      \item Imperative Programming
      \item Introduction to Algorithms
      \item Data Structures
      \item Systems Programming
      \item Theory of Computation
      \item Intro to Computer Architecture
    \info{IT.north east}{right}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Programming on the Internet
      \item Advanced Java Programming
      \item \dots
    \info{AI.north east}{above}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Natural Language Processing
      \item Introduction to AI
      \item \dots
    \info{Theory.north east}{right}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Graph Theory
      \item \dots
    \info{Systems.north east}{above}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Operating Systems
      \item Advanced Computer Architecture
      \item \dots
    \info{Games.north east}{above}{
      \item Intro to Game Programming
      \item Advanced Game Programming
      \item Computer Graphics
      \item \dots
    \info{SE.north east}{right}{
      \item Software Engineering
      \item Software Carpentry
      \item \dots








% Font Settings



% Information Boxes
  \node [ annotation, #3, scale=0.9, text width = #1em,
          inner sep = 2mm ] at (#2) {%


\begin{tikzpicture}[every annotation/.style = {draw,fill=white}]
  \path[mindmap,concept color=Gainsboro,text=Black]
    node[concept] (CORE) {CS Core}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept] { node[concept] (AI) {AI Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Theory) {Theory Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Systems) {Systems Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Games) {Game Programming Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (SE) {Software Engineering Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (IT) {Internet Technologies Track} }
    \info{CORE.north east}{above,yshift=2em}{
      \item Mathematical Foundations
      \item Imperative Programming
      \item Introduction to Algorithms
      \item Data Structures
      \item Systems Programming
      \item Theory of Computation
      \item Intro to Computer Architecture
    \info{IT.north east}{right}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Programming on the Internet
      \item Advanced Java Programming
      \item \dots
    \info{AI.north east}{above}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Natural Language Processing
      \item Introduction to AI
      \item \dots
    \info{Theory.north east}{right}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Graph Theory
      \item \dots
    \info{Systems.north east}{above}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Operating Systems
      \item Advanced Computer Architecture
      \item \dots
    \info{Games.north east}{above}{
      \item Intro to Game Programming
      \item Advanced Game Programming
      \item Computer Graphics
      \item \dots
    \info{SE.north east}{right}{
      \item Software Engineering
      \item Software Carpentry
      \item \dots






欢迎!您可以利用这样一个事实:您可以使用角度作为锚点,并以above正或负距离的形式提供相对位置,使注释text width更小,而不是绘制它们的边界。



% Font Settings



% Information Boxes
  \node [ annotation, scale=0.9, text width = #1em, #3,
          inner sep = 2mm ] at (#2) {%


\begin{tikzpicture}[every annotation/.style = {draw=none}]
  \path[mindmap,concept color=Gainsboro,text=Black]
    node[concept] (CORE) {CS Core}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept] { node[concept] (AI) {AI Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Theory) {Theory Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Systems) {Systems Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Games) {Game Programming Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (SE) {Software Engineering Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (IT) {Internet Technologies Track} }
    \info{IT.165}{anchor=north east,xshift=1.5em}{
      \item Mathematical Foundations
      \item Imperative Programming
      \item Introduction to Algorithms
      \item Data Structures
      \item Systems Programming
      \item Theory of Computation
      \item Intro to Computer Architecture
    \info{IT.north east}{right}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Programming on the Internet
      \item Advanced Java Programming
      \item \dots
    \info{AI.north east}{above=1ex}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Natural Language Processing
      \item Introduction to AI
      \item \dots
    \info{Theory.north east}{right}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Graph Theory
      \item \dots
    \info{Systems.north}{above left=-1.5em}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Operating Systems
      \item Advanced Computer Architecture
      \item \dots
    \info{Games.north east}{above=1ex}{
      \item Intro to Game Programming
      \item Advanced Game Programming
      \item Computer Graphics
      \item \dots
    \info{SE.north east}{right}{
      \item Software Engineering
      \item Software Carpentry
      \item \dots





% Font Settings



% Information Boxes
  \node [ annotation, scale=0.9, text width = #1em, #3,
          inner sep = 2mm ] at (#2) {%


\begin{tikzpicture}[every annotation/.style = {draw,fill=white}]
  \path[mindmap,concept color=Gainsboro,text=Black]
    node[concept] (CORE) {CS Core}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[concept] { node[concept] (AI) {AI Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Theory) {Theory Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Systems) {Systems Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (Games) {Game Programming Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (SE) {Software Engineering Track} }
    child[concept] { node[concept] (IT) {Internet Technologies Track} }
    \info{IT.165}{anchor=north east,xshift=0.2em}{
      \item Mathematical Foundations
      \item Imperative Programming
      \item Introduction to Algorithms
      \item Data Structures
      \item Systems Programming
      \item Theory of Computation
      \item Intro to Computer Architecture
    \info{IT.north east}{right=1em}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Programming on the Internet
      \item Advanced Java Programming
      \item \dots
    \info{AI.north east}{above=2ex}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Natural Language Processing
      \item Introduction to AI
      \item \dots
    \info{Theory.north east}{right=1ex}{
      \item Concepts of Programming Languages
      \item Graph Theory
      \item \dots
    \info{Systems.north}{above left}{
      \item Computer Networks
      \item Operating Systems
      \item Advanced Computer Architecture
      \item \dots
    \info{Games.north east}{above=2ex}{
      \item Intro to Game Programming
      \item Advanced Game Programming
      \item Computer Graphics
      \item \dots
    \info{SE.north east}{above right}{
      \item Software Engineering
      \item Software Carpentry
      \item \dots

