


\captionof{table}{\textbf{Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba.}}
\toprule \textbf{Dominant ECD Sector} & \textbf{Intervention / Institution} &   \textbf{Target of population} & \textbf{Availability} \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{4}{c} {{\tablename\ \thetable{. Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba.} -- Continue 
        from previous page}} \\
\toprule \textbf{Dominant ECD Sector} & \textbf{Intervention / Institution} &   \textbf{Target of population} & \textbf{Availability} \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{4}{r}{To be continued  next page...} \\ \midrule
& Day Care Centres
(círculos infantiles) & Children aged 1-6 whose mother works &  1078 day care centres in the country \\ 
& Preschool Grade &     All children aged 5-6 & In primary schools or day care centres\\
& Educate Your Child Programme &    Children aged 0-6 with their families; pregnant women & 
In all communities \\ \cline{1-4}
& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{MATERNAL HEALTH CARE}}\\
& Prevention of preconception risks & All women & In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Prenatal care & All pregnant women &
In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office, in polyclinics and hospitals for
specialised controls \\
& Maternity homes & Pregnant women with risks that do not require hospitalization &
138 maternity homes in the
& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{CHILD HEALTH CARE}}\\
& Institutionalised birth & All children & In hospitals \\
& Care for new-borns with low birth weight & Children with low birth weight & In hospitals \\
& Immunisation & All children & In all communities: in polyclinics \\
& Prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases and acute respiratory infections &
All children & In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Unintentional injury prevention & All children & In all communities: at the family
doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Genetic screening & All children & In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Well Child Care & All children aged 0 to 19 & In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{NUTRITION}}\\
& Breastfeeding promotion & All children, with special attention to the most vulnerable & In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office, and seven Human Milk Banks for infants in need located in provincial maternity
& Prevention of anaemia and nutritional deficiencies & All children, with special attention to the most vulnerable & In all communities: monitoring at the family doctor-and-nurse office. Special interventions for children with anaemia or nutritional deficiencies (food and nutritional supplements)\\
& Prevention of obesity and overweight & 
All children, with special
attention to the most
vulnerable & 
In all communities: monitoring and
nutritional education at the family
doctor-and-nurse office \\
\cline{1-4} \\
& Birth registration & All children & In hospitals \\
& Care of children without parental care & Children under six without
parental care & In the extended family, or in mixed day care centres as a last resort (60
children under six in this situation) \\
& Care of children with disabilities & Children under six with disabilities & In all communities: included in
education institutions (regular or specialised), monitored by the family doctor and the municipal
Centre for Diagnosis and Orientation \\
& Protection against violence, abuse and neglect & Children in difficult living situations; child victims of
violence, abuse and neglect. & In all communities: inter-sectoral prevention system to address the cases of children in difficult situations. At the regional level, three Protection Centres for child victims.\\



\captionof{table}{\textbf{Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba.}}


\caption{\textbf{Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba.}}\\

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以下屏幕截图仅显示了 1.5 页的前几行longtable。请注意,我做了一些更改(除了从 切换\captionof到 之外\caption),以使表格看起来不那么拥挤。例如,我删除了所有\cline指令,为参数设置了一个正值\extrarowheight,并设置了一个p列类型的版本,使其内容以右对齐模式而不是完全对齐模式排版。


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\caption{\textbf{Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba.}}\\
\textbf{Dominant ECD Sector} & 
\textbf{Intervention\slash Institution} &   
\textbf{Target of population} & 
\textbf{Availability} \\ 

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\tablename\ \thetable. Summary of key ECD interventions in Cuba. -- Continued from previous page} \\[1ex]
\textbf{Dominant ECD Sector} & 
\textbf{Intervention\slash Institution} &   
\textbf{Target of population} & 
\textbf{Availability} \\ 

\multicolumn{4}{r@{}}{\footnotesize Continued on next page.} \\ 


& Day Care Centres (círculos infantiles) 
& Children aged 1-6 whose mother works 
& 1078 day care centres in the country \\ 
& Preschool Grade 
& All children aged 5--6 
& In primary schools or day care centres\\
& Educate Your Child Programme 
& Children aged 0--6 with their families; pregnant women 
& In all communities \\ 


& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Maternal health care}}\\
& Prevention of preconception risks 
& All women 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office\\
& Prenatal care 
& All pregnant women 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office, in polyclinics and hospitals for specialised controls \\
& Maternity homes 
& Pregnant women with risks that do not require hospitalization 
& 138 maternity homes in the country\\ 

& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Child health care}}\\
& Institutionalised birth 
& All children 
& In hospitals \\
& Care for new-borns with low birth weight 
& Children with low birth weight 
& In hospitals \\
& Immunisation 
& All children 
& In all communities: in polyclinics \\
& Prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases and acute respiratory infections 
& All children 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Unintentional injury prevention 
& All children 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Genetic screening 
& All children 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\
& Well Child Care 
& All children aged 0 to 19 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\

& \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{Nutrition}}\\*
& Breastfeeding promotion 
& All children, with special attention to the most vulnerable 
& In all communities: at the family doctor-and-nurse office, and seven Human Milk Banks for infants in need located in provincial maternity hospitals\\
& Prevention of anaemia and nutritional deficiencies 
& All children, with special attention to the most vulnerable 
& In all communities: monitoring at the family doctor-and-nurse office. Special interventions for children with anaemia or nutritional deficiencies (food and nutritional supplements)\\
& Prevention of obesity and overweight 
& All children, with special attention to the most vulnerable 
& In all communities: monitoring and nutritional education at the family doctor-and-nurse office \\

\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textbf{CHILD PROTECTION}}\\
& Birth registration 
& All children 
& In hospitals \\
& Care of children without parental care 
& Children under six without parental care 
& In the extended family, or in mixed day care centres as a last resort (60 children under six in this situation) \\
& Care of children with disabilities 
& Children under six with disabilities 
& In all communities: included in education institutions (regular or specialised), monitored by the family doctor and the municipal Centre for Diagnosis and Orientation \\
& Protection against violence, abuse and neglect 
& Children in difficult living situations; child victims of
violence, abuse and neglect. 
& In all communities: inter-sectoral prevention system to address the cases of children in difficult situations. At the regional level, three Protection Centres for child victims.\\

