Read (2006, 第 194-195 页) 或 (Read, 2006, 第 194-195 页)
Beall, JC, & Restall, G. (2000). 逻辑多元论。澳大利亚哲学杂志,78(4),475--493。
Beall, JC 和 Restall, G. 2000。逻辑多元论,澳大利亚哲学杂志78/4:475--93。
Beall, JC 和 Restall, G. (2006)。逻辑多元论. 牛津:克拉伦登出版社。
Beall, JC 和 Restall, G. 2006 年。逻辑多元论,牛津:克拉伦登出版社。
Read, S. (2006)。一元论:唯一正确的逻辑。在 D. Devidi 和 T. Kenyon (Eds.) 中,哲学的逻辑方法:纪念格雷厄姆·所罗门的论文集(第 193-209 页)。多德雷赫特:Springer。
Read, S. 2006. 一元论:唯一正确的逻辑哲学的逻辑方法:纪念格雷厄姆·所罗门的论文集,David Devidi 和 Tim Kenyon 编辑,Dordrecht:Springer:193–209。
以下是我所拥有的和我需要的详细信息的 MWE:
address = {Dordrecht},
author = {Read, Stephen},
booktitle = {A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon},
editor = {Devidi, David and Kenyon, Tim},
file = {:Users/James/Documents/St Andrews/Philosophy/MPhil/MPhil Thesis/Readings/Normativity/Monism The One True Logic Read.pdf:pdf},
pages = {193--209},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{Monism: The One True Logic}},
url = {https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/{~}slr/MONISM.PDF},
year = {2006}
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
doi = {10.1080/00048400012349751},
file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Beall, Restall - 2000 - Logical Pluralism.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Australasian Journal of Philosophy},
number = {4},
pages = {475--493},
title = {{Logical Pluralism}},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rajp20},
volume = {78},
year = {2000}
address = {Oxford},
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Beall, Restall - 2005 - Logical Pluralism.pdf:pdf},
publisher = {Clarendon Press},
title = {{Logical Pluralism}},
year = {2006}
\usepackage[style=apa, natbib=true, doi=false, url=false]{biblatex}
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\setlength\bibitemsep{1.5\itemsep} %separates entries
\title{\vspace{-20mm}Test Document}
\noindent I need to cite \citet{Read2006}, \citet{Beall2000}, and \citet{Beall2005}. The references come out as below in the usual way. I need a number of different things:
\item Rather than the in-text citations coming out as \citet[194--5]{Read2006} or \citep[194--5]{Read2006}, they need to look like this: Read [2006: 194--5], [Read 2006: 194--5]. (Same applies for year only citations).
The key differences are: (i) square brackets instead of round ones; (ii) the lack of comma after the author's name; (iii) the p. or pp. prefix for page numbers being replaced with a colon.
\item The bibliography entries for articles should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2000. Logical Pluralism, \textit{Australasian Journal of Philosophy} 78/4: 475--93.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the article title instead of a full-stop; (iv) no comma after the journal name; (v) the issue is not in brackets, but instead follows the volume and a `/' (i.e. 78/4 vs 78(4)); and (vi) page numbers follow the volume and issue number and a colon, rather than a comma.
\item The bibliography entries for books should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2006. \textit{Logical Pluralism}, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the book title instead of a full stop.
\item The bibliography entries for book chapters should look like:
Read, S. 2006. Monism: The One True Logic, in \textit{A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon}, ed. David Devidi and Tim Kenyon, Dordrecht: Springer: 193–209.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors and editors; (iii) comma after the chapter title instead of a full-stop; (iv) book title follows chapter title, instead of editors; (v) comma after the book title instead of a full-stop; (v) ed. instead of (Eds.); (vi) editors' full names instead of first name initials; (vii) City and publisher follow editors names (and a comma), instead of page numbers; (viii) page numbers follow the publisher and a colon, rather than a comma.
如果有人能帮助我解决这个问题 — — 即使只是部分帮助 — — 我也非常感激!
在继续阅读之前,请与期刊编辑核实他们是否可以接受使用 LaTeX 提交的参考书目biblatex
需要与 BibTeX 非常不同的工作流程,既用于生成参考书目,也用于在排版系统中对文件进行可能的后期处理。
正如我在问题下评论的那样,我认为这种风格与 APA 风格非常不同,因此放弃它并从不同的风格开始是有意义的。biblatex-apa
是专门为实现 APA 风格而编写的,它具有其所有优点(和血腥细节)。由于 APA 风格非常复杂,biblatex-apa
需要做相当多的工作,有时需要以可定制性为代价(实际上,从设计上讲不需要可定制,因为它的工作是实现 APA 风格而不是其他东西)。在下面,我以我的包的biblatex-apa
doi=false, url=false]{biblatex}
% well this is annoying ...
% we insert \closingrevsdnamepunct *after* the given name
% to the the commas around the initials right
test {\ifnumless{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
test \ifmorenames
% but that means we need to redefine the whole name:family-given
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
\setlength\bibitemsep{1.5\itemsep}%separates entries
byeditor = {ed\adddot},
author = {Read, Stephen},
title = {Monism: The One True Logic},
editor = {Devidi, David and Kenyon, Tim},
booktitle = {A Logical Approach to Philosophy},
booktsubtitle = {Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon},
year = {2006},
pages = {193--209},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {Dordrecht},
url = {https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~slr/MONISM.PDF},
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
title = {Logical Pluralism},
journal = {Australasian Journal of Philosophy},
volume = {78},
number = {4},
doi = {10.1080/00048400012349751},
pages = {475--493},
year = {2000},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rajp20},
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
title = {Logical Pluralism},
year = {2006},
publisher = {Clarendon Press},
address = {Oxford},
\noindent I need to cite \textcite{Read2006,Beall2000,Beall2005}. The references come out as below in the usual way. I need a number of different things:
\item Rather than the in-text citations coming out as \textcite[194-195]{Read2006} or \parencite[194--5]{Read2006}, they need to look like this: Read [2006: 194--5], [Read 2006: 194--5]. (Same applies for year only citations).
The key differences are: (i) square brackets instead of round ones; (ii) the lack of comma after the author's name; (iii) the p. or pp. prefix for page numbers being replaced with a colon.
\item The bibliography entries for articles should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2000. Logical Pluralism, \textit{Australasian Journal of Philosophy} 78/4: 475--93.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the article title instead of a full-stop; (iv) no comma after the journal name; (v) the issue is not in brackets, but instead follows the volume and a `/' (i.e. 78/4 vs 78(4)); and (vi) page numbers follow the volume and issue number and a colon, rather than a comma.
\item The bibliography entries for books should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2006. \textit{Logical Pluralism}, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the book title instead of a full stop.
\item The bibliography entries for book chapters should look like:
Read, S. 2006. Monism: The One True Logic, in \textit{A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon}, ed. David Devidi and Tim Kenyon, Dordrecht: Springer: 193–209.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors and editors; (iii) comma after the chapter title instead of a full-stop; (iv) book title follows chapter title, instead of editors; (v) comma after the book title instead of a full-stop; (v) ed. instead of (Eds.); (vi) editors' full names instead of first name initials; (vii) City and publisher follow editors names (and a comma), instead of page numbers; (viii) page numbers follow the publisher and a colon, rather than a comma.
\renewcommand{\bibrightparen}{]} \renewcommand{\bibleftparen}{[}
\AtBeginBibliography{ \renewcommand{\bibrightparen}{} \renewcommand{\bibleftparen}{} }
address = {Dordrecht},
author = {Read, Stephen},
booktitle = {A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon},
editor = {Devidi, David and Kenyon, Tim},
file = {:Users/James/Documents/St Andrews/Philosophy/MPhil/MPhil Thesis/Readings/Normativity/Monism The One True Logic Read.pdf:pdf},
pages = {193--209},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{Monism: The One True Logic}},
url = {https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/{~}slr/MONISM.PDF},
year = {2006}
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
doi = {10.1080/00048400012349751},
file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Beall, Restall - 2000 - Logical Pluralism.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Australasian Journal of Philosophy},
number = {4},
pages = {475--493},
title = {{Logical Pluralism}},
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rajp20},
volume = {78},
year = {2000}
address = {Oxford},
author = {Beall, J. C. and Restall, Greg},
file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Beall, Restall - 2005 - Logical Pluralism.pdf:pdf},
publisher = {Clarendon Press},
title = {{Logical Pluralism}},
year = {2006}
\usepackage[style=apa, natbib=true, doi=false, url=false]{biblatex}
%\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{number}} %gets rid of issue numbers
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{chapter}} %gets rid of chapters
\DeclareFieldFormat{apacase}{#1} %stops capitalisation
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{\apanum{#1}} %deitalicises volume numbers
\setlength\bibitemsep{1.5\itemsep} %separates entries
\title{\vspace{-20mm}Test Document}
\noindent I need to cite \citet{Read2006}, \citet{Beall2000}, and \citet{Beall2005}. The references come out as below in the usual way. I need a number of different things:
\item Rather than the in-text citations coming out as \citet[194--5]{Read2006} or \citep[194--5]{Read2006}, they need to look like this: Read [2006: 194--5], [Read 2006: 194--5]. (Same applies for year only citations).
The key differences are: (i) square brackets instead of round ones; (ii) the lack of comma after the author's name; (iii) the p. or pp. prefix for page numbers being replaced with a colon.
\item The bibliography entries for articles should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2000. Logical Pluralism, \textit{Australasian Journal of Philosophy} 78/4: 475--93.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the article title instead of a full-stop; (iv) no comma after the journal name; (v) the issue is not in brackets, but instead follows the volume and a `/' (i.e. 78/4 vs 78(4)); and (vi) page numbers follow the volume and issue number and a colon, rather than a comma.
\item The bibliography entries for books should look like:
Beall, J. C., and Restall, G. 2006. \textit{Logical Pluralism}, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors; (iii) comma after the book title instead of a full stop.
\item The bibliography entries for book chapters should look like:
Read, S. 2006. Monism: The One True Logic, in \textit{A Logical Approach to Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Graham Solomon}, ed. David Devidi and Tim Kenyon, Dordrecht: Springer: 193–209.
The key differences are: (i) no brackets around the year; (ii) use `and' instead of \& between authors and editors; (iii) comma after the chapter title instead of a full-stop; (iv) book title follows chapter title, instead of editors; (v) comma after the book title instead of a full-stop; (v) ed. instead of (Eds.); (vi) editors' full names instead of first name initials; (vii) City and publisher follow editors names (and a comma), instead of page numbers; (viii) page numbers follow the publisher and a colon, rather than a comma.