

所以,我一直在使用这个dramatist软件包为学校项目排版剧本,使用 LaTeX。这个dramatist软件包是否包含角色的出场、退场和退场命令?



 \begin{center} Indira Gandhi International Airport\\\poi, \lem


So, let me get this straight, M. Poirot -- Rebecca has murdered Desmond, and is aware of the Prince's stay in Delhi, and the latter might be murdered by Rebecca because she wants the real ruby?\\
Exactly. It seems as if both Desmond and Rebecca were competing to steal the ruby again, but Rebecca had murdered Desmond out of anger because of his betrayal. Oh goodness, it's the paparazzi!\\\\
It's M. Poirot! He's arrived! Goodness, M. Poirot, did you solve the case? He must have! HURRAY!\\
Now wait just a moment!\\
It's his words, folks! 'Wait just a moment!'\\
Oh dear, I think we should go.\\\\
STOP! WAIT! \direct{to the jostling mob} OUT! out -- all of you! \direct{to M. Poirot} M. Poirot, let me take you to the crime scene. Come here...


\itshape{Enter} PATIL \itshape{and other news reporters} %% or simply \pat as I have set. If you there is a way to integrate that into the function, that would be great.

\itshape{Enter} DIVAKAR %% or \div



在下面的 MWE 中,我定义了三个命令\enter\exit\exeunt。该\enter命令有一个可选的第一个参数来添加和 X输出。每个命令都以一个段落开始,然后包含一些基于dramatist包的缩进和行距设置的间距命令,然后是模板文本(enter、exit、exeunt)和参数。命令之后继续上一个发言者。



\textit{Enter} #2 \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\else\textit{and #1}\fi\par\vspace{\speechskip}

\textit{Exit} #1\par\vspace{\speechskip}

\textit{Exeunt} #1\par\vspace{\speechskip}

\Character{M. Poirot}{poi}
\Character{Lunar Excursion Module}{lem}


 \begin{center} Indira Gandhi International Airport\\\poi, \lem


So, let me get this straight, M. Poirot -- Rebecca has murdered Desmond, and is aware of the Prince's stay in Delhi, and the latter might be murdered by Rebecca because she wants the real ruby?\\
Exactly. It seems as if both Desmond and Rebecca were competing to steal the ruby again, but Rebecca had murdered Desmond out of anger because of his betrayal. \enter[other news reporters]{\pat} Oh goodness, it's the paparazzi!\\
It's M. Poirot! He's arrived! Goodness, M. Poirot, did you solve the case? He must have! HURRAY!\\
Now wait just a moment!\\
It's his words, folks! 'Wait just a moment!'\\
Oh dear, I think we should go.\enter{\div}\exit{\lem}
STOP! WAIT! \direct{to the jostling mob} OUT! out -- all of you! \direct{to \poi} M. Poirot, let me take you to the crime scene. Come here...


