如何将会议论文中的图 (a)、(b) 的标题分成两行?

如何将会议论文中的图 (a)、(b) 的标题分成两行?






      \centerline{(a) Result 1 testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing}\medskip
      \centerline{(b) Result 2 testing testing testing testing testing testing}\medskip
      \centerline{(c) Result 3 testing testing testing testing testing testing}\medskip
    \caption{Example of placing a figure with experimental results. Please use detailed figure captions that explain the figure well. The more modern way to include figures is to use pdflatex instead of latex and then to use 
    the \textbackslash\texttt{includegraphics} command with pdf files.}


This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Ð Non Commercial 4.0 International License. The full terms of the License are available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0}

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{\bf ABSTRACT\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}}

% Keyword section, added by Lance Cotton, adapted from IEEEtrans, corrected by Ulf-Dietrich Braumann
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\rhead{\footnotesize{7-11 June 2020, University of Florida}}

\lhead{\footnotesize{The $26^{th}$ International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2020)}}
%\cfoot{{\vskip 11mm}{\small ICAD2016-\thepage}}{}

% Define itemize

% Define arabicenu

% Define romanenu


您应该考虑示例标题中写的内容!您提供的 MWE 文档只有一列,但示例却有两列。请进一步考虑提供尽可能模仿最终文档的 MWE


               10pt,  % not needed, is default
               twocolumn]% shown example of your document has two columns!
%\usepackage{icad2020} % unknown, for MWE not important
\usepackage{times} % obsolete
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % in real document remove "demo" option


\caption{Result 1 testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing}

\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=4cm]{pics/fig1b-cropped}
\caption{Result 2 testing testing testing testing testing testing}
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=4cm]{pics/fig1c-cropped}
\caption{Result 3 testing testing testing testing testing testing}

\caption{Example of placing a figure with experimental results. Please use detailed figure captions that explain the figure well. The more modern way to include figures is to use pdflatex instead of latex and then to use
the \textbackslash\texttt{includegraphics} command with pdf files (As i done now).}

