如何为 tabularx-tables 中的多列单元格着色

如何为 tabularx-tables 中的多列单元格着色



tabularx-tables 中的多列带有白色填充

\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}}% for vertical centering text in X column



Standard Column Color

  7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0     \\
  \colorcell{1}{ a a a a a a a a a a a a}
    &  CLEAR
        &   \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell}
            &   CLEAR
                &   \colorcell{3}{Colored Cell}     \\
  \colorcell{2}{ a a a a a a a a a a a a}
    &  CLEAR
        &   \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell}
            &   CLEAR
                &   \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell}     \\
  a a a a a a a a a a a a
    &  CLEAR
        &   CLEAR
            &   CLEAR
                &   \colorcell{4}{Colored Cell}     \\




在评估多列宽度时,您还减去了第一个和最后一个规则的厚度,这是不应该的。下面是一段简化的代码,它给出了预期的结果。我还必须定义两个变体(colorcell,以及\lcolorcell当 \multicolumn 是其行中的第一个时的情况)以避免出现双重垂直规则。

\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}}% for vertical centering text in X column

 \dimexpr (\linewidth+2\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth)*#1-2\arrayrulewidth}C|}{#2}}

 \dimexpr (\linewidth+2\tabcolsep + \arrayrulewidth)*#1-2\arrayrulewidth}C|}{#2}}


Standard Column Color

  7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0 \\
  \cellcolor{red} a a a a a a a a a a a a
    & CLEAR
        & \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell}
            & CLEAR
                & \colorcell{3}{Colored Cell} \\
  \lcolorcell{2}{a a a a a a a a a a a a}
    & CLEAR
        & \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell}
            & CLEAR
                & \colorcell{2}{Colored Cell} \\
  a a a a a a a a a a a a
    & CLEAR
        & CLEAR
            & CLEAR
                & \colorcell{4}{Colored Cell} \\





使用(≥ 6.0 2021-08-10),您{NiceTabularX}可以nicematrix直接得到预期的结果。

输出的 PDF 在所有 PDF 查看器中都显示良好。在某些缩放级别下,垂直规则似乎不会消失。



  7 & 6 & 5 & 4 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 0     \\
  \cellcolor{red} a a a a a a a a a a a a
    &  CLEAR
        &   \Block[fill=red]{1-2}{Colored Cell}
            &&   CLEAR
                &   \Block[fill=red]{1-3}{Colored Cell}  \\
  \Block[fill=red]{1-2}{ a a a a a a a a a a a a}
    &&  CLEAR
        &   \Block[fill=red]{1-2}{Colored Cell}
            &&   CLEAR
                &   \Block[fill=red]{1-2}{Colored Cell}  \\
  a a a a a a a a a a a a
    &  CLEAR
        &   CLEAR
            &   CLEAR
                &   \Block[fill=red]{1-4}{Colored Cell}  \\


您需要多次编译(因为nicematrix在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。






\documentclass[11 pt, a4paper, oneside, openany]{book}
\usepackage{cals, caption}

\let\nc=\nullcell                        % Shortcuts


\caption{calstable can float\label{tab:calstable}}

\begin{calstable}[c]               % Centred between margins

% Defining columns relative to each other and relative to the margins
% The tabular fills the text area if sum of all columns is 8

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.4pt}   % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@bodyrs@width{0.4pt}          % Rule between header and body of the table
\def\cals@AtBeginCell{\vfil}           % Vertical centring all cell content
\setlength{\cals@paddingL}{3pt}        % cals’ tabcolsep,  

\def\lblue{\ifx\cals@bgcolor\empty     % "Switch" to turn on and off colour
\else \def\cals@bgcolor{} \fi}

% R1H1
    \lblue\cell{aaaaa\par aaaaa\par aa}\lblue
    \nc{rtb}\sc{Coloured cell}\lblue
    \nc{rtb}\sc{Coloured cell}\lblue
    \nc{rtb}\sc{Coloured cell}\lblue
    \nc{rtb}\sc{Coloured cell}\lblue
    \lblue\cell{aaaaa\par aaaaa\par aa}\lblue
    \nc{rtb}\sc{Coloured cell}\lblue

