\caption{What map to be used depending on the level of scope \cite{Process_map_theory}.}
\textbf{Level of scope} & \textbf{Map to be used} & \textbf{Key features}\\
Organisation & Relationship map & \tabitem Supplier-Organisation-costumer interactions.\\
& & \tabitem Key sections of the organisation. \\
& & \tabitem Supplier-costumer supply chain.\\
Process & Cross-functional process map & \tabitem Swimlane of the process. \\
& & \tabitem Workflow of the process. \\
& & \tabitem Supplier-costumer interactions. \\
Job/Performer & Process map & \tabitem Value adding time of the system. \\
& & \tabitem Non value adding time of the system. \\
s 和tabularx
\setlist[itemize]{nosep, % <-- table's list setup
leftmargin = * ,
label = $\bullet$ ,
before = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},
after = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
}% end of AtBeginEnvironment
\caption{What map to be used depending on the level of scope \cite{Process_map_theory}.}
\textbf{Level of scope} & \textbf{Map to be used} & \textbf{Key features} \\
Organisation & Relationship map & \begin{itemize}
\item Supplier-Organisation-costumer interactions.
\item Key sections of the organisation.
\item Supplier-costumer supply chain.
\end{itemize} \\
Process & Cross-functional process map
& \begin{itemize}
\item Swimlane of the process.
\item Workflow of the process.
\item Supplier-costumer interactions.
\end{itemize} \\
Job/Performer & Process map & \begin{itemize}
\item Value adding time of the system.
\item Non value adding time of the system.
\end{itemize} \\