

我试图让它看起来更专业,或者至少从所有垂直线来看更好。LaTeX 中的表格,因为它们往往非常丑陋且大多数时候难以维护。几乎所有关于表格的示例/操作方法都会产生令人尴尬的结果,


% Initialising the document type with some formatting information

% Allow urls to be split at end of line
% Allow tables to be read in from CSV and use centered width formatted columns

% Allow tables and figures to be referenced by name
% https:,,tex.stackexchange.com,questions,397031,conflict-with-hyperref-and-titlesec

% Allow long things to be split

% Remove the indentation when starting new paragraphs, but still add a blank line.

% Allow multiple line comments.

% Package for dealing with graphics - for figures.

% Allows a space to be included after inserting formatted text.

% add line numbers

%% Allow more control over chapters and sections etc.
%% Allow the paragraph tag to mark extra section depth  
%\titlespacing*{\paragraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

% Allow single pages to be changed to landscape, including in PDF preview.

% Allow figures to be rotated and included in landscape.


% Allow wrapping for landscape pages

% Allow columns to span multiple rows.

% More formatting options for lists

% Allow different colouring for individual cells in tables.

% Allow more complex formatting of tables.

% Special centred and auto-widthed table

% Allow page spanning tables

% Allow tables to be forced into position with [H]. - don't remember what this meant
% plaintiff should force caption to top

% Parnotes package organises footnotes in tables

% To allow ticks in tables (by typing \tick)

% Package to allow some maths stuff (±)

% Set the margin widths

% Allow figures and tables to be named in different ways.
% Count tables individually within each section.

% Allow Harvard formatting for references - reference with \citep{key,key2,etc.}. Or \citept{key} to reference as Name et al. (2012)
% Remember that you have to run Macros -> Applescript -> Bibliography (?r) to make references appear
% The style file for this is referred to in the section at the bottom.

% First line adds the reference section to the Contents page, second line renames it from 'Bibliography' to 'References'

% This package allows a list of abbreviations to be created (make sure it is added to the contents - "intoc").

% double quotation

% Format the document with double line spacing. - should this be 1.655 or 2
% Allow the gap around captions to be increased to aid legibility on tables
% Below is probably preferable - turns off double line spacing for figure legends and within tables (makes all tables much smaller)

% Allow text to be placed at the bottom of a page

% Allow double spacing in tables - usually reverted to single by setspace




        \caption{Summary of transposable elements }

        Class & Order & \multicolumn{3}{c}{rom }  & \multicolumn{3}{c}{act} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{erus} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\cos} \\
         &  & Numbers & Length (bp) & \%  & Numbers & Length (bp) & \% & Numbers & Length (bp) & \% & Numbers & Length (bp) & \% \\
        \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Class I\\ \end{tabular} &  &  &   &   &  &  &   &  &  &  &  &   &   \\

         &SINEs:               & 255687    & 30551159 & 1.52            & 257887  & 31080491  & 1.56             & 261248   &  31533761  & 1.57                    & 258371           & 30783770    &1.42 \\
         &Alu/B1               & 0 & 0     & 0.00                       & 0  & 0   & 0.00                        & 0       & 0      & 0.00                                       & 0       &0    & 0.00  \\
         &MIRs                 & 247894 & 30250569     & 1.51           & 249065  & 30760408   & 1.54            & 251376   & 31188301      & 1.55                 & 248923       &30437726    &1.40  \\
         &LINEs:               & 498627 & 207732214   & 10.37           & 501561  & 211005106  & 10.59           &516019  &220321176   &10.97                      & 543212      &226312996    &10.42  \\
         &LINE1               & 338909 & 163725095   & 8.17             & 342054  & 166954821   & 8.38           &354388  &175466399   &8.73                       &382755      &182566388     &8.40  \\
         &LINE2               & 133681  & 37311794    & 1.86            & 133693  & 37430629   &1.88             &135350   &38013575    &1.89                      &134657      &37312366      &1.72 \\
         &L3/CR1              & 16230   &3946140     & 0.20             & 16295   & 3952685  &0.20               &16386    &3999393     &0.20                      &16301         &3896521     &0.18 \\
         &RTE                 & 8327   & 2349410      & 0.12            & 8280   & 2342043   & 0.12              &8320    &2362314     &0.12                       &8391        &2315634     &0.11 \\

         &LTR elements:        & 2368202 & 360743057   & 18.00         &2138613 & 331038087   & 16.61           &2043931   &305371407   &15.20                     &2399880      &376465663   &17.33 \\
         &ERVL                 & 603471 & 94653879   & 4.72            & 535533 & 89635873  &4.50               &457960   &74681407   &3.72                        &589003      &95266242     &4.39 \\
         &ERVL-MaLRs            & 936686 & 137736037  & 6.87           & 757066 & 122605363  &6.15              &683557   &105114613   &5.23                       &927914      &138867517    &6.39 \\
         &ERV\_classI            & 401868 & 69495491  &3.47            & 476978 &72572164  &3.64                &458525   &72184510   &3.59                        &442380      &80571827     & 3.71\\
         &ERV\_classII           & 179048 & 21382713  &1.07            & 143640 & 16451857  & 0.83              &146189     &18906035   &0.94                      &198036        &22430344   &1.03 \\
        \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Class II\\

           \end{tabular} &  &  &   &      &  &   &   &  &  &  &  &   &  \\
         & DNA transposons:    & 259000 &53746062  & 2.68             & 261351 & 54598424  & 2.74                     &264855  &55556571  &2.77                   & 265748      &54859043     &2.53 \\

         & hAT-Charlie    &153463 & 28637685  & 1.43                 & 154577 & 29132748 & 1.46                      &156022  & 29603550  &1.47                   & 156955       &29239810    &1.35  \\
         & TcMar-Tigger    &36981 & 11185164  & 0.56                  & 38120 & 11441081 &0.57                      &39444   &11766559  &   0.59                  & 38989       &11514055   &0.53 \\

         &Rolling-circles    & 659955 & 72981412  &3.64               & 803681 & 84486255 & 4.24                      &889437   &94191508  & 4.69                 & 738026       &79989304   &3.68 \\

         &Unclassified.      & 3128 & 509710  & 0.03                 & 3147 & 512316 & 0.03                          &3191   &518292  & 0.03                     & 3167       &510872   &0.02  \\

        Total &              & 0 & 00000  & 000.25                & 0 &712929637  & 35.78                         & X & 00000 & 300



这样怎么样?我删除了所有垂直线,用垂直间距替换了一些水平线,减少了字体大小和列间距。此外,包含数字内容的列使用 columntype S,从 开始siunitx,以提高数字的可读性。

\usepackage{array, booktabs, caption, multirow}
\usepackage[table, svgnames]{xcolor}


\caption{Summary of transposable elements }
 \multirow{2.2}{*}{Class} & \multirow{2.2}{*}{Order\qquad}& \multicolumn{3}{c}{rom } & \multicolumn{3}{c}{act} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{erus} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{$ \cos $} \\
 & & {Numbers} & {Length (bp)} & {\%} & {Numbers} & {Length (bp)} & \% & {Numbers} & {Length (bp)} & \% & {Numbers} & {Length (bp)} & \% \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\textbf{Class I}} \\
 &SINEs: & 255687 & 30551159 & 1.52 & 257887 & 31080491 & 1.56 & 261248 & 31533761 & 1.57 & 258371 & 30783770 &1.42 \\
 &Alu/B1 & 0 & 0 & 0.00 & 0 & 0 & 0.00 & 0 & 0 & 0.00 & 0 &0 & 0.00 \\
 &MIRs & 247894 & 30250569 & 1.51 & 249065 & 30760408 & 1.54 & 251376 & 31188301 & 1.55 & 248923 &30437726 &1.40 \\
 &LINEs: & 498627 & 207732214 & 10.37 & 501561 & 211005106 & 10.59 &516019 &220321176 &10.97 & 543212 &226312996 &10.42 \\
 &LINE1 & 338909 & 163725095 & 8.17 & 342054 & 166954821 & 8.38 &354388 &175466399 &8.73 &382755 &182566388 &8.40 \\
 &LINE2 & 133681 & 37311794 & 1.86 & 133693 & 37430629 &1.88 &135350 &38013575 &1.89 &134657 &37312366 &1.72 \\
 &L3/CR1 & 16230 &3946140 & 0.20 & 16295 & 3952685 &0.20 &16386 &3999393 &0.20 &16301 &3896521 &0.18 \\
 &RTE & 8327 & 2349410 & 0.12 & 8280 & 2342043 & 0.12 &8320 &2362314 &0.12 &8391 &2315634 &0.11 \\
 \rowcolor{Gainsboro!40! Lavender}[4pt]& \llap{LTR elements:} & 2368202 & 360743057 & 18.00 &2138613 & 331038087 & 16.61 &2043931 &305371407 &15.20 &2399880 &376465663 &17.33 \\
 &ERVL & 603471 & 94653879 & 4.72 & 535533 & 89635873 &4.50 &457960 &74681407 &3.72 &589003 &95266242 &4.39 \\
 &\llap{ERVL-MaLRs} & 936686 & 137736037 & 6.87 & 757066 & 122605363 &6.15 &683557 &105114613 &5.23 &927914 &138867517 &6.39 \\
 &\llap{ERV\_classI} & 401868 & 69495491 &3.47 & 476978 &72572164 &3.64 &458525 &72184510 &3.59 &442380 &80571827 & 3.71\\
 &\llap{ERV\_classII} & 179048 & 21382713 &1.07 & 143640 & 16451857 & 0.83 &146189 &18906035 &0.94 &198036 &22430344 &1.03 \\
 \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{ \textbf{Class II}}\\[0.3ex]
 & \llap{DNA transposons:} & 259000 &53746062 & 2.68 & 261351 & 54598424 & 2.74 &264855 &55556571 &2.77 & 265748 &54859043 &2.53 \\
 & \llap{hAT-Charlie} &153463 & 28637685 & 1.43 & 154577 & 29132748 & 1.46 &156022 & 29603550 &1.47 & 156955 &29239810 &1.35 \\
 & \llap{TcMar-Tigger} &36981 & 11185164 & 0.56 & 38120 & 11441081 &0.57 &39444 &11766559 & 0.59 & 38989 &11514055 &0.53 \\
 &\llap{Rolling-circles} & 659955 & 72981412 &3.64 & 803681 & 84486255 & 4.24 &889437 &94191508 & 4.69 & 738026 &79989304 &3.68 \\
 & Unclassified. & 3128 & 509710 & 0.03 & 3147 & 512316 & 0.03 &3191 &518292 & 0.03 & 3167 &510872 &0.02 \\
 & \textbf{Total} &0 & 00000 & 000.25 & 0 &712929637 & 35.78 & X & 00000 & 300





然后我减小了字体大小并让 TeX 计算列间距。




\caption{Summary of transposable elements }



Order &
  \multicolumn{3}{c}{rom} &
  \multicolumn{3}{c}{act} &
  \multicolumn{3}{c}{erus} &
  \multicolumn{3}{c}{cos} \\
\cmidrule{2-4} \cmidrule{5-7} \cmidrule{8-10} \cmidrule{11-13}
& {N} & {L (bp)} & {\%}  & {N} & {L (bp)} & {\%} & {N} & {L (bp)} & {\%} & {N} & {L (bp)} & {\%} \\

\multicolumn{10}{@{}l}{\itshape Class I} \\
SINEs:               & 255687    & 30551159 & 1.52            & 257887  & 31080491  & 1.56             & 261248   &  31533761  & 1.57                    & 258371           & 30783770    &1.42 \\
Alu/B1               & 0 & 0     & 0.00                       & 0  & 0   & 0.00                        & 0       & 0      & 0.00                                       & 0       &0    & 0.00  \\
MIRs                 & 247894 & 30250569     & 1.51           & 249065  & 30760408   & 1.54            & 251376   & 31188301      & 1.55                 & 248923       &30437726    &1.40  \\
LINEs:               & 498627 & 207732214   & 10.37           & 501561  & 211005106  & 10.59           &516019  &220321176   &10.97                      & 543212      &226312996    &10.42  \\
LINE1               & 338909 & 163725095   & 8.17             & 342054  & 166954821   & 8.38           &354388  &175466399   &8.73                       &382755      &182566388     &8.40  \\
LINE2               & 133681  & 37311794    & 1.86            & 133693  & 37430629   &1.88             &135350   &38013575    &1.89                      &134657      &37312366      &1.72 \\
L3/CR1              & 16230   &3946140     & 0.20             & 16295   & 3952685  &0.20               &16386    &3999393     &0.20                      &16301         &3896521     &0.18 \\
RTE                 & 8327   & 2349410      & 0.12            & 8280   & 2342043   & 0.12              &8320    &2362314     &0.12                       &8391        &2315634     &0.11 \\
LTR elements:        & 2368202 & 360743057   & 18.00         &2138613 & 331038087   & 16.61           &2043931   &305371407   &15.20                     &2399880      &376465663   &17.33 \\
ERVL                 & 603471 & 94653879   & 4.72            & 535533 & 89635873  &4.50               &457960   &74681407   &3.72                        &589003      &95266242     &4.39 \\
ERVL-MaLRs            & 936686 & 137736037  & 6.87           & 757066 & 122605363  &6.15              &683557   &105114613   &5.23                       &927914      &138867517    &6.39 \\
ERV\_classI            & 401868 & 69495491  &3.47            & 476978 &72572164  &3.64                &458525   &72184510   &3.59                        &442380      &80571827     & 3.71\\
ERV\_classII           & 179048 & 21382713  &1.07            & 143640 & 16451857  & 0.83              &146189     &18906035   &0.94                      &198036        &22430344   &1.03 \\

\multicolumn{10}{@{}l}{\itshape Class II} \\
DNA transposons:    & 259000 &53746062  & 2.68             & 261351 & 54598424  & 2.74                     &264855  &55556571  &2.77                   & 265748      &54859043     &2.53 \\
hAT-Charlie    &153463 & 28637685  & 1.43                 & 154577 & 29132748 & 1.46                      &156022  & 29603550  &1.47                   & 156955       &29239810    &1.35  \\
TcMar-Tigger    &36981 & 11185164  & 0.56                  & 38120 & 11441081 &0.57                      &39444   &11766559  &   0.59                  & 38989       &11514055   &0.53 \\
Rolling-circles    & 659955 & 72981412  &3.64               & 803681 & 84486255 & 4.24                      &889437   &94191508  & 4.69                 & 738026       &79989304   &3.68 \\
Unclassified.      & 3128 & 509710  & 0.03                 & 3147 & 512316 & 0.03                          &3191   &518292  & 0.03                     & 3167       &510872   &0.02  \\

\multicolumn{10}{@{}l}{\itshape Total} \\
& 0 & 0  & 0.00
& 0 & 0  & 0.00
& 0 & 0  & 0.00



