







(i) Based on the type of battery RFID tags can be of three types:

  \begin{tabular}{ |c|p{3cm}|p{9cm}|}
    \thead{Ser} &  \thead{Item} & \thead{Detail}
    \\ \hline
        1. & Active & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
                        \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
                        \item High signal range
                        \item Larger in size
                        \item Expensive than passive
                        \item The batteries must be replaced
                     \end{itemize} \\ \hline
        2. & Passive & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Operate without a separate external power source
                        \item Obtains operating power from the reader
                        \item Low signal range
                        \item Cheaper than active tags
                        \item Smaller in size
                     \end{itemize}  \\ \hline
        3. & Semi passive/ Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
            \item Communication method is same as the passive tag
                     \end{itemize}  \\ \hline


  (ii) Based on the mode of operation tags can be of three types:

  \begin{tabular}{ |c|p{3cm}|p{9cm}|}
    \thead{Ser} &  \thead{Item} & \thead{Detail}
    \\ \hline
        1. & Read-only & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
                        \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
                        \item High signal range
                        \item Larger in size
                        \item Expensive than passive
                        \item The batteries must be replaced
                     \end{itemize} \\ \hline
        2. & Read-write & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Operate without a separate external power source
                        \item Obtains operating power from the reader
                        \item Low signal range
                        \item Cheaper than active tags
                        \item Smaller in size
                     \end{itemize}  \\ \hline
        3. & WORM & \begin{itemize}[nosep]
                        \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
            \item Communication method is same as the passive tag
            \item It can write data only once, after that works as read only
                     \end{itemize}  \\ \hline




\setlist[itemize,1]{nosep, leftmargin=15pt}


(i) Based on the type of battery RFID tags can be of three types:

  \item Active 
           \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
           \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
           \item High signal range
           \item Larger in size
           \item Expensive than passive
           \item The batteries must be replaced periodically
  \item Passive 
           \item Operate without a separate external power source
           \item Obtains operating power from the reader
           \item Low signal range
           \item Cheaper than active tags
           \item Smaller in size
  \item Semi passive/ Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) 
           \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
           \item Communication method is same as the passive tag

  (ii) Based on the mode of operation tags can be of three types:

  \item Read-only 
           \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
           \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
           \item High signal range
           \item Larger in size
           \item Expensive than passive
           \item The batteries must be replaced
  \item Read-write 
           \item Operate without a separate external power source
           \item Obtains operating power from the reader
           \item Low signal range
           \item Cheaper than active tags
           \item Smaller in size
  \item WORM 
           \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
           \item Communication method is same as the passive tag
           \item It can write data only once, after that works as read only




  • 您实际上并没有利用table环境;例如,您没有使用指令。您使用的环境\caption的很少功能,然后您使用放置说明符来否定。我建议您改用两个单独的环境;这样,如果需要,可以发生分页符。table[H]minipage

  • 就像您之前的查询,您正在使用包nosep的选项enumitem,但在使显示的材料清晰紧凑方面没有做太多其他事情。下面,我设置了一个自定义 itemize 样式环境并使用tabularx环境。


\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

\usepackage{makecell} % for "\thead" macro

%% Ragged-right rather than full justification in narrow columns:

%% Create a bespoke itemize-type list environment:
\setlist[myitemize]{label=\textbullet, nosep, left=0pt,
                    after ={\end{minipage}} }

%% Calculate width of second column:
\settowidth\mylen{\small Battery Assisted}


\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a more open "look"
(i) Based on the type of battery RFID tags can be of three types:

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ |c|P{\mylen}|L| }
Ser &  \thead{Item} & \thead{Detail}
\\ \hline
1. & Active 
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
     \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
     \item High signal range
     \item Larger in size
     \item Expensive than passive
     \item The batteries must be replaced periodically
\\ \hline
2. & Passive 
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Operate without a separate external power source
     \item Obtains operating power from the reader
     \item Low signal range
     \item Cheaper than active tags
     \item Smaller in size
\\ \hline
3. & Semi passive\slash Battery Assisted Passive (BAP) 
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
     \item Communication method is same as the passive tag
\\ \hline

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt}  % for a more open "look"
(ii) Based on the mode of operation tags can be of three types:

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ |c|P{\mylen}|L| }
Ser &  \thead{Item} & \thead{Detail}
\\ \hline
1. & Read-only  
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Has its own transmitter and power source (Battery)
     \item Transmits signal from the microchip circuit through the power obtained from the internal battery
     \item High signal range
     \item Larger in size
     \item Expensive than passive
     \item The batteries must be replaced periodically
\\ \hline
2. & Read-write 
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Operate without a separate external power source
     \item Obtains operating power from the reader
     \item Low signal range
     \item Cheaper than active tags
     \item Smaller in size
\\ \hline
3. & WORM 
   & \begin{myitemize}
     \item Has a small battery and is activated when in the presence of an RFID reader
     \item Communication method is same as the passive tag
     \item It can write data only once, after that works as read only
\\ \hline





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