




 % Packages used in template.

 % Set left, right, top, and bottom margins of the paper.
 \usepackage[a4paper, left = 1.5in, right = 0.70in, top = 0.5in, bottom = 2.2in]{geometry}
 \voffset = 0.15in
 \headsep = 31pt
 \topmargin = -48pt

 % Create new environments for listings
 \setlist[enumerate]{wide, align=left, topsep = 0in, parsep = 0.24in, partopsep = 0in, itemsep = 0in, labelindent = 0in, labelsep = 0.36in}
 \newenvironment{FirstList}[1][]{ \begingroup \let \olditem \item
     \renewcommand \item {\olditem
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 9
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 99
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 999
     \begin{enumerate}[#1] } {\end{enumerate} \endgroup}

 \newenvironment{SecondList}{ \begin{adjustwidth}{0.48in}{0in}
     \begin{enumerate}}{ \end{enumerate} \end{adjustwidth}}


        \item This template is made for A4 page size. I will try to extend this point into more than two lines.

        \item In this template,

            \item Left margin is $\mathrm{1.5}$ in.

            \item Right margin is $\mathrm{0.7}$ in.


        \item This is another enumerated point.

            \item This is another enumerated point.

            \item This is another enumerated point.

         \item This is another enumerated point.



SecondList稍微编辑了一下您的环境。第一个列表是您指定的输出内容。后面是hrulefill您在 MWI 中给出的输出内容。希望对您有所帮助。

 % Packages used in template.

 % Set left, right, top, and bottom margins of the paper.
 \usepackage[a4paper, left = 1.5in, right = 0.70in, top = 0.5in, bottom = 2.2in]{geometry}
 \voffset = 0.15in
 \headsep = 31pt
 \topmargin = -48pt

 % Create new environments for listings
 \setlist[enumerate]{wide, align=left, topsep = 0in, parsep = 0.24in, partopsep = 0in, itemsep = 0in, labelindent = 0in, labelsep = 0.36in}

 \newenvironment{FirstList}[1][]{ \begingroup \let \olditem \item
     \renewcommand \item {\olditem
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 9
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 99
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 999
     \begin{enumerate}[#1] } {\end{enumerate} \endgroup}

            [#1]}{ % I added [#1], it worked.

    % This code will produce output like the image you provided.
        \item This template is made for A4 page size. I will try to extend this point into more than two lines.

        \item In this template,
        \item Left margin is $\mathrm{1.5}$ in.

        \item Right margin is $\mathrm{0.7}$ in.

            \item Another nested item.

            \item Yet another nested item.


        \item A theenumi item.

        \item Yet another theenumi item.


    % This is the setting for the listing you provided.
        \item This template is made for A4 page size. I will try to extend this point into more than two lines.

        \item In this template,



        \item Left margin is $\mathrm{1.5}$ in.

        \item Right margin is $\mathrm{0.7}$ in.



        \item This is another enumerated point.


        \item This is another enumerated point.

        \item This is another enumerated point.


        \item This is another enumerated point.




 % Packages used in template.

 \newcommand{\adj}[1]{\begin{adjustwidth}{0.48in}{0in} #1 \end{adjustwidth}}

 % Set left, right, top, and bottom margins of the paper.
 \usepackage[a4paper, left = 1.5in, right = 0.70in, top = 0.5in, bottom = 2.2in]{geometry}
 \voffset = 0.15in
 \headsep = 31pt
 \topmargin = -48pt

 % Create new environments for listings
 \setlist[enumerate]{wide, align=left, topsep = 0in, parsep = 0.24in, partopsep = 0in, itemsep = 0in, labelindent = 0in, labelsep = 0.36in}

 \newenvironment{FirstList}[1][]{ \begingroup \let \olditem \item
     \renewcommand \item {\olditem
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 9
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 99
     \ifnum\value{enumi} > 999
     \begin{enumerate}[#1] } {\end{enumerate} \vspace{0.24in} \endgroup}

            }{ % I added [#1], it worked.
    \end{adjustwidth} \vspace{0.24in}

    % This code will produce output like the image you provided.
        \item This is the first item in the first `FirstList' environment.
        \item This is the second item in the first `FirstList' environment. To start a secondary list, termination of this `FirstList' is necessary.
            \item This is the first item of first nested list using `SecondList' environment.
            \item The second one
            \item I've created an \texttt{\textbackslash adj} new command that will indent it properly.
            \item It'll also keep the second indentation proper.
                \item For multiple indentations use \texttt{\textbackslash adj} multiple times.
                    \item For multiple indentations use \texttt{\textbackslash adj} multiple times.
                        \item For multiple indentations use \texttt{\textbackslash adj} multiple times.



\usepackage[a4paper, left = 1.5in, right = 0.70in, top = 0.5in, bottom = 2.2in]{geometry}
\voffset = 0.15in
\headsep = 31pt
\topmargin = -48pt
% stuff for beginning of environment goes here
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% don't indent paragraphs
\setcounter{myenumi}{0}% restart numbering
\bigskip% skip a line
\newcommand{\myitem}{% new definition of item
\par% start a new line
\refstepcounter{myenumi}% advance counter
\makebox[2em][l]{\themyenumi}% print counter to width of 3em, aligned to left
}% end of definition of item
}{% at end of environment
\par% start new paragraph
%\bigskip% skip a line
\noindent% don't indent new paragraph
\ignorespacesafterend% ignore spaces after environment

    \myitem Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
    \myitem Text
        \item Text
        \item Text
            \item Text
            \item Text
    \myitem Text
    \myitem Text


抱歉,据我所知,你应该直接阅读enumitem 的文档仔细检查。表 1 显示了缩进等操作所需的所有参数。然后使用\alph\roman\arabic






    \setlist[mylist,1]{label={\arabic*.}, resume, leftmargin=*, labelindent=\parindent, rightmargin=1.8\parindent, parsep={\parskip}, itemsep=0.3ex}
    \setlist[mylist,2]{label={(\alph*)}, leftmargin=2.2\parindent, rightmargin=1.8\parindent, itemsep=0.3ex, itemindent=10ex}
    \setlist[mylist,3]{label=\textbf{(\roman*)}, leftmargin=5\parindent, rightmargin=0\parindent, itemsep=0.3ex, itemindent=-5ex}

\item one
\item two
\item level two with a long text and a certain indent in the first and another in the following lines (also i played around with rightmargins just to show what is possible)
\item level three with a long text and a certain indent in the first and another in the following lines (also i played around with rightmargins just to show what is possible)
\item second one here on level three
\item second one on level two
\item three


