
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% License : MIT



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%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  \textbf{\href{}{\Large XX}} & Email : \href{XX}{XX}\\
  \href{}{XX} & Mobile : X \\

{3+ years of engineering experiences in multiple industries (petroleum, agrochemicals), and 2+ years of research experience. Adept in data interpretation, \& troubleshooting.}


      {Syngenta}{Chittagong, Bangladesh}
      {Senior Production Officer}{Feb 2019 - May 2019}
          { Performed documentation for standard audits (JSA , WRA, CRA,  PPE audits etc). Developed visual management in production line (ie Pictorial SOPs). Trained operation team on standard operating procedures. Implemented  product and process compliance and adherence to Syngenta CoP. Ensured work place safety and effective communication of Safety, Health and Environment to all team members.}
          {Installation of Boshch Packaging Equipment}

      {ZICOM Equipment Pte. Ltd.}{Dhaka, Bangladesh}
      {Process Engineer}{Jun 2012- Dec 2014}
          {Performed Heat and Material Balance. Reviewed  PFD and P\&ID to improve performance of facilities. Prepared  Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), HAZOP and HAZID. Commissioned process plant. troubleshooted process operation \& PLC-HM.}
          {Condensate Fractionation Plant; Silicagel Dehydration Type Natural Gas Process Plant; Teg Type Natural Gas Process Plant }



      {Auburn University}{Auburn, AL}
      {Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering}{Aug 2019 -- Present}
      {Yeungnam University}{Gyeongsan, South Korea}
      {Master of Science in Chemical Engineering}{Aug 2016 -- Feb 2018}


%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
%\section{Programming Skills}
%  \resumeSubHeadingListStart
%    \item{
%      \textbf{Languages}{: Scala, Python, Javascript, C++, SQL, Java}
%      \hfill
%      \textbf{Technologies}{: AWS, Play, React, Kafka, GCE}
%    }
%  \resumeSubHeadingListEnd









% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% License : MIT



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% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]

% Custom commands
    \textbf{#1}{: #2 \vspace{-2pt}}
    \textbf{#1}{#2 \vspace{-2pt}}

      \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
      \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\




%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  \textbf{\href{}{\Large XX}} & Email : \href{XX}{XX}\\
  \href{}{XX} & Mobile : X \\

{3+ years of engineering experiences in multiple industries (petroleum, agrochemicals), and 2+ years of research experience. Adept in data interpretation, \& troubleshooting.}


      {Syngenta}{Chittagong, Bangladesh}
      {Senior Production Officer}{Feb 2019 - May 2019}
          { Performed documentation for standard audits (JSA , WRA, CRA,  PPE audits etc). Developed visual management in production line (ie Pictorial SOPs). Trained operation team on standard operating procedures. Implemented  product and process compliance and adherence to Syngenta CoP. Ensured work place safety and effective communication of Safety, Health and Environment to all team members.}
          {Installation of Boshch Packaging Equipment}

      {ZICOM Equipment Pte. Ltd.}{Dhaka, Bangladesh}
      {Process Engineer}{Jun 2012- Dec 2014}
          {Performed Heat and Material Balance. Reviewed  PFD and P\&ID to improve performance of facilities. Prepared  Standard Operational Procedure (SOP), HAZOP and HAZID. Commissioned process plant. troubleshooted process operation \& PLC-HM.}
          {Condensate Fractionation Plant; Silicagel Dehydration Type Natural Gas Process Plant; Teg Type Natural Gas Process Plant }



      {Auburn University}{Auburn, AL}
      {Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering}{Aug 2019 -- Present}
      {Yeungnam University}{Gyeongsan, South Korea}
      {Master of Science in Chemical Engineering}{Aug 2016 -- Feb 2018}


%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
%\section{Programming Skills}
%  \resumeSubHeadingListStart
%    \item{
%      \textbf{Languages}{: Scala, Python, Javascript, C++, SQL, Java}
%      \hfill
%      \textbf{Technologies}{: AWS, Play, React, Kafka, GCE}
%    }
%  \resumeSubHeadingListEnd

