从 bankA.tex 中获取第 n 个问题?

从 bankA.tex 中获取第 n 个问题?

我找到了一个很棒的代码,可以从中获取 n 个随机问题bankA.tex


但我只需要获取 bankA 中的第 n 个问题?例如:\getquestionsfrombank{bankA.tex}{6},那么我们只会获取 bankA.tex 中的第 6 个问题(问题 6)。你能帮助我吗?

\usepackage{multicol}% Just for this example
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10


\makeatletter% Taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/109619/5764
  \expandafter\edef\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname{#3}%
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\count@\endcsname
  \expandafter\xdef\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname
          {\the\numexpr\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname-1\relax}
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\numexpr\count@+1\relax\endcsname
    \ifnum\count@<\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname\relax

% Define how each questionblock should be handled

  \CatchFileDef{\bank}{#1}{}% Read the entire bank of questions into \bank
  \setcounter{totalquestions}{0}% Reset total questions counters  ***
  \RenewEnviron{questionblock}{\stepcounter{totalquestions}}% Count every question  ***
  \bank% Process file  ***
  \declarenumlist{uniquequestionlist}{1}{\thetotalquestions}% list from 1 to totalquestions inclusive.
  \setcounter{totalquestions}{#2}% Start the count-down
    \stepcounter{questionblock}% Next question
      \par% Start new paragraph
      \BODY% Print question
  \foreach \uNiQueQ in {1,...,#2} {% Extract #2 random questions
    \setcounter{questionblock}{0}% Start fresh with question block counter
    \pgfmathrandomitem\randomquestion{uniquequestionlist}% Grab random question from list
    \xdef\randomquestion{\randomquestion}% Make random question available globally
    \prunelist{uniquequestionlist}% Remove picked item from list
    \bank% Process file


  \foreach \x in {1,...,6} {





% parse all questions from "bankA.tex"

  % print questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 in order
  \foreach \x in {1,3,5,7} {


% read file #1, store quesion <num> in \question@body@<num>
  \CatchFileDef{\bank}{#1}{}% Read the entire bank of questions into \bank
    \csname question@body@\the\value{totalquestions}\endcsname\BODY

% print question #1 in constant time



% print question #2 from bank #1 in linear time
  \CatchFileDef{\bank}{#1}{}% Read the entire bank of questions into \bank
  \setcounter{totalquestions}{0}% Reset total questions counters  ***
    \stepcounter{totalquestions}% Next question
      \par% Start new paragraph
      \BODY% Print question





Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10

\usepackage{multicol}% Just for this example

\makeatletter% Taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/109619/5764
  \expandafter\edef\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname{#3}%
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\count@\endcsname
  \expandafter\xdef\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname
          {\the\numexpr\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname-1\relax}
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname
    \csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1@\the\numexpr\count@+1\relax\endcsname
    \ifnum\count@<\csname pgfmath@randomlist@#1\endcsname\relax

% Define how each questionblock should be handled

  \CatchFileDef{\bank}{#1}{}% Read the entire bank of questions into \bank
  \setcounter{totalquestions}{0}% Reset total questions counters  ***
  \RenewEnviron{questionblock}{\stepcounter{totalquestions}}% Count every question  ***
  \bank% Process file  ***
  \declarenumlist{uniquequestionlist}{1}{\thetotalquestions}% list from 1 to totalquestions inclusive.
  \setcounter{totalquestions}{#2}% Start the count-down
    \stepcounter{questionblock}% Next question
      \par% Start new paragraph
      \BODY% Print question
  \foreach \uNiQueQ in {1,...,#2} {% Extract #2 random questions
    \setcounter{questionblock}{0}% Start fresh with question block counter
    \pgfmathrandomitem\randomquestion{uniquequestionlist}% Grab random question from list
    \xdef\randomquestion{\randomquestion}% Make random question available globally
    \prunelist{uniquequestionlist}% Remove picked item from list
    \bank% Process file

  \CatchFileDef{\bank}{#1}{}% Read the entire bank of questions into \bank
    \stepcounter{totalquestions}% Next question
      \par% Start new paragraph
      \BODY% Print question


  \foreach \x in {1,3,5,7} {
  % this prints questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 in order


请注意,自 latex2e 2019-10-01 起,软件包filecontents已弃用,其实用程序已合并到 latex2e 中。因此,我用 替换了filecontents*环境\begin{filecontents}[force]{bankA.tex}
