description={An argument is valid just in case its premises provide
decisive support for its conclusion, alternatively, if the truth
of its premises guarantees the truth of its conclusion.} }
\newglossaryentry{atomic sentence} { name={atomic sentence},
first={\emph{atomic sentence}},
description={An atomic sentence is a sentence that does not have any
other sentence as a proper syntactic part. In propositional
logic, atomic sentences are represented by capital letters such as
$P,Q,R,\dots $. In quantifier logic, the atomic sentences are
either relation symbols applied to closed terms, such as $Rab$, or equalities between closed terms, such as $a=b$.}
description={An interpretation is an assignment of symbols to set-theoretic structures.}
\newglossaryentry{turnstile}% label
name={\ensuremath{\alpha}},% default display
description={The relation of provability defined by the inference rules.},% description
category=symbol% category label
An argument is said to be \gls{valid} if its premises imply
its conclusion. \gls{atomic sentence}
An \textbf{\gls{interpretation}} of the symbols in $\Sigma$ consists symbol