我无法使用以下代码在 revtex4-2 中创建子表

我无法使用以下代码在 revtex4-2 中创建子表

\caption{The items of the concept inventory based on the concept of 2-D Bravais lattices\label{2d:1}}
S.No.& Description of the Question (RBT aspect)&Associated Alternative Conceptions&Distractors\\
15-16 &\textit{\textbf{Identifying and marking the Primitive Unit cell(picture based)}}(Apply conceptual knowledge)
  & unit cell, 3-D Bravais Lattices&No options as answer required marking in the given picture\\
 17-18 &\textit{\textbf{Identifying and marking the 2-D Bravais lattice(picture based)}}(Apply conceptual knowledge)
 & 3-D Bravais Lattices &No options as answer required marking in the given picture\\
 19 & \textit{\textbf{Identifying the primitive unit cell associated with 2-D Bravais Lattices(picture based)}}
 (Analyze conceptual and factual knowledge)
  &unit cell, 3-D Bravais Lattices&\\
  \caption{The items of the concept inventory based on the concept of 2-D Bravais                       lattices,where the rationale for distractors is the inability of the students to differentiate between 2-D and 3-D Bravais lattices. The associated alternative      conceptions are those of unit 
   cell and 3-D Bravais lattices.\label{2d:2}}
   S.No.& Description of the Question (RBT aspect)&Distractors\\

   20 & \textit{\textbf{Mandatory features of a primitive unit cell associated with 2-D or 3-D Bravais lattices}}
  (Evaluating conceptual and factual knowledge)&\setlist{nolistsep}\begin{itemize}    [noitemsep]
                                                              \item smallest area or   smallest volume
                                                              \item one lattice point/primitive cell 
                                                               \item all lattice points are at the corner
 21 & \textit{\textbf{Primitive unit cell associated with Bravais Lattice in                                     2-D}}(Evaluating conceptual and factual
                           \item Any closed area
                           \item only polygons of smallest area
                            \item Only polygons with 2 \& 4 fold rotational symmetry
 22 & \textit{\textbf{Symmetries possessed by Bravais Lattice in 2-D}}(Evaluating   conceptual and factual knowledge)                               
                           \item Translational Symmetry
                           \item 2, 4, 6-fold Rotational Symmetry 
                           \item Reflection Symmetry
 23 & \textit{\textbf{Identifying equivalent Bravais lattices in 2-D (picture based)}}(Evaluating procedural knowledge)&\\                              




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我可以继续说下去,但这些是最严重的错误。修复这些错误,决定使用tabularx环境,省略说明\ruledtabular(因为它们与 tabularx 不兼容),并设置和使用定制的压缩 itemize 类环境,myitemize最终导致以下解决方案——我会祈祷你喜欢这个结果:



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\caption{The items of the concept inventory based on the concept of \mbox{2-D} Bravais lattices}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l LLL @{}}
S.No.& Description of the Question (RBT aspect)
     & Associated Alternative Conceptions
     & Distractors\\
  &\textit{\textbf{Identifying and marking the Primitive Unit cell (picture based)}} (Apply conceptual knowledge)
  & unit cell, 3-D Bravais Lattices
  &No options as answer required marking in the given picture\\
  &\textit{\textbf{Identifying and marking the \mbox{2-D} Bravais lattice (picture based)}}(Apply conceptual knowledge)
  & 3-D Bravais Lattices 
  &No options as answer required marking in the given picture\\
 19 & 
   \textit{\textbf{Identifying the primitive unit cell associated with \mbox{2-D} Bravais Lattices (picture based)}} (Analyze conceptual and factual knowledge)
   & unit cell, 3-D Bravais Lattices

\caption{The items of the concept inventory based on the concept of \mbox{2-D} Bravais lattices, where the rationale for distractors is the inability of the students to differentiate between \mbox{2-D} and 3-D Bravais lattices. The associated alternative conceptions are those of unit cell and 3-D Bravais lattices.}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l LL @{}}
S.No.& Description of the Question (RBT aspect)
     & Distractors\\
 20 & \textit{\textbf{Mandatory features of a primitive unit cell associated with \mbox{2-D} or 3-D Bravais lattices}} (Evaluating conceptual and factual knowledge)
  & \begin{myitemize}
    \item smallest area or smallest volume
    \item one lattice point/primitive cell 
    \item all lattice points are at the corner
 21 & \textit{\textbf{Primitive unit cell associated with Bravais Lattice in \mbox{2-D}}} (Evaluating conceptual and factual
  & \begin{myitemize}
    \item Any closed area
    \item only polygons of smallest area
    \item Only polygons with 2 \& 4 fold rotational symmetry
 22 & \textit{\textbf{Symmetries possessed by Bravais Lattice in \mbox{2-D}}} (Evaluating conceptual and factual knowledge)         
 & \begin{myitemize}
   \item Translational Symmetry
   \item 2, 4, 6-fold Rotational Symmetry 
   \item Reflection Symmetry
 23 & \textit{\textbf{Identifying equivalent Bravais lattices in \mbox{2-D} (picture based)}} (Evaluating procedural knowledge)&\\        

