为什么这个简单的 booktabs 代码不起作用?

为什么这个简单的 booktabs 代码不起作用?


        1& small copper ring & small aluminum ring & large aluminum ring \\ \midrule
        $T$ [s]& $0.567\pm0.014$ & $0.570\pm0.004$ &$0.558\pm0.008$ \\
        $M$ [g]& 27.5 & 8.5 & 25.0 \\ \bottomrule
    \caption{$T$ denotes for the average period, written together with the sample standard deviation. $M$ denotes for the mass of the ring.

然后它会抛出一些错误,例如:缺少 $ 插入。$T$ [s]& $0.567\pm0.014$ & 等。问题是什么?


您忘记了后面的右括号mass of the ring.,并且S不是预定义的列类型booktabs。这里有两种可能的方法来获得编译的表。

  1. 如果您使用例如则\begin{tabular}{cccc}没有错误。
  2. siunitx定义一个S列,但将其用于文本条目没有多大意义,因此您可能还想使用\multicolumns 作为相关标题。


\usepackage{siunitx} %<- defines an S column type but it may not make too
% much sense to use it here for all cells.
        1& small copper ring & small aluminum ring & large aluminum ring \\ \midrule
        $T$ [s]& $0.567\pm0.014$ & $0.570\pm0.004$ &$0.558\pm0.008$ \\
        $M$ [g]& 27.5 & 8.5 & 25.0 \\ \bottomrule
    \caption{$T$ denotes for the average period, written together with the
    sample standard deviation. $M$ denotes for the mass of the ring.}

        1& \multicolumn{1}{c}{small copper ring} & 
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{small aluminum ring} & 
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{large aluminum ring} \\ \midrule
        $T$ [s]& 0.567\pm0.014 & 0.570\pm0.004 &0.558\pm0.008 \\
        $M$ [g]& 27.5 & 8.5 & 25.0 \\ \bottomrule
    \caption{$T$ denotes for the average period, written together with the
    sample standard deviation. $M$ denotes for the mass of the ring.}



附录: 作为Torbjørn T. 指出。,可以将第二个表的代码简化为

        1& {small copper ring} & 
            {small aluminum ring} & 
            {large aluminum ring} \\ \midrule
        $T$ [s]& 0.567\pm0.014 & 0.570\pm0.004 &0.558\pm0.008 \\
        $M$ [g]& 27.5 & 8.5 & 25.0 \\ \bottomrule
    \caption{$T$ denotes for the average period, written together with the
    sample standard deviation. $M$ denotes for the mass of the ring.}
