如何将 algorithm2e 与外面的文本对齐?

如何将 algorithm2e 与外面的文本对齐?



\oddsidemargin -0.25in
\textwidth 7.0in         
\topmargin 0.0in
\headheight 0.0in
\headsep 0.0in
\topskip 0.0in
\footskip 0.4in
\textheight 8.8in         

\usepackage{graphicx}  %for including .jpeg files
\usepackage{amstext} % for \text macro
\usepackage{array}   % for \newcolumntype macro

      \item Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm
              \caption{\textsc{Some Algo}($I$)}

              \Input{Some input description.}
              \Output{Some output description.} 

              \For{$i \leftarrow 1$ to $n$} {
                Do something \;

        Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm
              \caption{\textsc{Some Algo}($I$)}

              \Input{Some input description.}
              \Output{Some output description.} 

              \For{$i \leftarrow 1$ to $n$} {
                Do something \;

其结果如下: 算法与周围的文本不对齐



你做错了。不要将算法放在浮点数中并要求它保持原位,只需使用algorithm带有Here 浮点数说明符的环境即可。如果您希望算法比文本块的其余部分更窄,那么您可以将其包装在 a 中minipage(就像您已经做的那样)。




    \item Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm

        \caption{\textsc{Some Algo}($I$)}

        \Input{Some input description.}
        \Output{Some output description.} 

        \For{$i \leftarrow 1$ to $n$} {
          Do something \;

    Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm Some text describing the algorithm

        \caption{\textsc{Some Algo}($I$)}

        \Input{Some input description.}
        \Output{Some output description.} 

        \For{$i \leftarrow 1$ to $n$} {
          Do something \;

