如何在 \section 中创建长超链接

如何在 \section 中创建长超链接

我正在为我的学生写一份文件(最后是 MWE 和乳胶输出),其中有一章的标题很长:

\chapter{Inadequacy of the classical physics, and the birth of a new theory for microscopic phenomena}


进入包hyperref。它起作用了,也就是说,它使目录中的标题可点击,点击后会转到该章节,但拒绝在目录中分割行:它超出了纸张的左边缘,效果很糟糕。hyperref 的文档提到了选项 [breaklinks=true],因此:


但同时告诉我,由于“PDF 驱动程序”,将链接拆分成两行是不行的,并建议不要使用该选项,因为链接将被“置换”。而且确实置换了,而且置换得非常厉害,因为(打开该选项后)章节标题确实被拆分了:但单击任何一行,实际上单击整个页面都没有任何效果。


我提到(在许多帖子中似乎都大肆宣扬这一点)我在 Xubuntu 上使用命令“latex”,但无论如何,这似乎为我调用了“pdflatex”。或者可能是“pdfTeX”?

latex -interaction=batchmode Ift.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=latex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode



% Make internal hyperlinks
% Set the beginning of a LaTeX document

% Set to use the "plain" pagestyle


\chapter{Inadequacy of the classical physics, and the birth of a new theory for microscopic phenomena}

% Set the ending of a LaTeX document
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 22 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: book 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class

Package hyperref Warning: You have enabled option `breaklinks'.
(hyperref)                But driver `hdvips.def' does not suppport this.
(hyperref)                Expect trouble with the link areas of broken links.

(./Ift.aux) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/color.sty
(./Ift.out) (./Ift.out) (./Ift.toc) [1] [2]
Chapter 1.

Overfull \hbox (1.70032pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 23--23
|\OT1/cmr/bx/n/20.74 Inadequacy of the clas-si-cal physics, and
[3] (./Ift.aux) )
(see the transcript file for additional information)
Output written on Ift.dvi (3 pages, 4476 bytes).
Transcript written on Ift.log.
