

使用 memoir,我想在下面的引文右侧添加一个来源。当我不使用 \ 时,它可以工作,但来源与引文一样宽,这看起来很奇怪(至少对我来说)。我尝试添加 \,但第二行设置为填充整个页面宽度,这是不对的。



                                                                   *Three Philosophical Poets* 
                                                                    George Santayana


\title{Interesting words}
\author{Peter Flom}

%% A convenience command, for typesetting the
%% word and pronunciation

\newcommand{\entry}[2]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} (#2)\par}}

%\newcommand{\entry}[3]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} \normalsize(#2) (#3)\par}}

\newcommand{\sclabel}[1]{\normalfont\scshape #1}

%% Less spacing around lists

    \entry{Reliquary}{Rhymes with relic stare me}
         A reliquary is a container for relics. Usually, these are holy relics associated with a religion, but the word reliquary can also be used more loosely - e.g. for a container for the bones of  deceased royalty.  One purpose of a reliquary is to be able to move the relics if the church or temple had to evacuate, as in times of war.
         From French \emph{reliquaire} which was first used in the 14th century. Not surprisingly, it shares its origin with relic, which originally meant ``body parts or other object from a holy person'' (see the Online Etymologoy Dictionary). Relic derives from Latin, \emph{reliquiae} which meant the remains of a martyr and from proto-IndoEuropean \emph{leikw-} meaning ``to leave''.
         The meaning of relic has broadened with time; it is now used for any object of historical or sentimental interest.  The less common reliquary is going in the same direction.  For example, in New York City there is a museum called the City Reliquary, which displays artifacts from the history of the city, most of them not religious in any way. Reliquary is also the title of at least two novels.
         Example uses:
         The acorn was a sort of reliquary in which the miraculous power of the idea was somehow enshrined.
           \sourceatright{\\ \emph{Three Philosophical Poets} \\ George Santayana}
         About 1 in 3.5 million words.



         The acorn was a sort of reliquary in which the miraculous power of the 
         idea was somehow enshrined.}{%
         \textit{Three Philosophical Poets} \\ George Santayana}

手册中的第 13 章(texdoc memoir)提供了有关如何根据自己的喜好调整结果的详细信息。
